14 || Gold

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I grab a heart from Regina's vault and I wave my hands over the heart to make it work for Peter. I walk out the vault with the heart in one of her boxes. 

I hide the heart in my bag and I walk to the clock tower where everyone is with Hades who I don't trust and neither does Peter. I walk into the clock tower to see everyone waiting for Emma and Hook. 

Soon Hades and Zelena leave and Emma comes up with teary eyes and it instantly clicks for me. Hook isn't coming with us, "he isn't coming is he?" I ask, Emma sighs. "No..he isn't," she says, "but he wanted us to go ahead." 

"Then let's give him his wish," Regina says, but then Cruella and that witch stop us. "I WILL BURN YOU ALIVE AGAIN WITCH!" I yell.

All I heard was a giggle in return. "I knew hades wasn't to be trusted!" I say. Pan nods, soon we were able to get the door open and I run to the portal with everyone else. I grab the heart from the bag and sigh. 

"Let's try this shall we?" I say, pan nods as everyone else goes in. 

I put the heart into his body and I felt a wave of light go by. "Yes!" I say in happiness and I grab his hand and we go through the portal. Once we get into Storybrooke we go to my apartment. He changes his outfit back to his normal one. 

I jump into his arms and hug him, he hugs back. 

A few days later or so. 

After some settling down, everyone been trying to fix our hades problem. Which we did! But at a lost of a great Hero. We're currently at his funeral, I lay the arrow on his casket and so does Peter and he walks back over to me. 

After a few more people Regina set hers down and everyone leaves and heads to granny's. 

Regina joins us and sits at a booth, me and peter were drinking when Matteo walks over to me. "Hey, Alex right?" Matteo asks. I nod, 

"Oh is this you're brother?" He asks as he looks at Peter, I held in my laughs and Peter rolls his eyes. "Husband actually." Peter says, Matteo's eyes widen. "I wouldn't think you had a husband since how young you are." Matteo says, I laugh.

"I'm over 300 years old, just with a pretty face." I say; Matteo walks away. 

I look at Henry who just looked at Regina, after his conversation with Violet. "Henry, are you okay." I say. He looks at me, "My mom has lost everything." I walk over to him. "Henry that's not true, yes she has lost a lot but she has you. And the rest of us, losing someone is hard but you just gotta be there for her." I say.

"She's right henry," Peter says, Henry nods. Soon Emma walks into granny's and walks over to Regina. 

I didn't hear the conversation.

Soon after we felt the ground shaking underneath us and I grabbed onto Peter as he grabbed onto the counter. Soon hook runs in and my eyes widen, Regina was surprised too and not very happy.

"Rumple, he drained the magic didn't he.." i whisper to Peter, he nods. 

"Given that blast of magic there is only one person who can do that that's not here," Regina says, "Gold." Zelena says.

We run to the clock tower and look above at the damage whatever caused this did. "He's got the Olympian Crystal," Zelena says. "Well apart of it anyway," Zelena says, "some of it must've survived." 

"That's great for us," I say and sigh. 

Zelena raises her hand, "I can still feel the aura from it," she says. "Yeah you're not the only one," Regina says. "He used it to cast a tethering spell." "Tethering spell?" Emma asks.

"What was gold attaching the Crystal to?" Emma asks, "Storybrooke's magic." I say. "That's why he cast a spell here," Regina says. "With that Crystal he can harness all the town's power for his own purposes," Zelena says. 

"Gold already has the powers of all the dark ones why does he need more," David says. "To wake belle." Emma says.

"True love's kiss didn't work because she doesn't wanna be with him," I say, Emma nods.

"Aye, once the crocodile stops do you think he'll stop there. Do you think he'll just turn the bloody Crystal and all of its power over to us." Hook says. "He's right," Emma says, I nod.

"Let's go get that crystal," Emma says, we nod. "Let's," Regina says.

We all leave the room besides Regina and Emma.

I walk to my apartment with Peter and we fall asleep.

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