8 || Losing Him

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Henry in Pan's body lays onto the bed and Gold tells him to relax, he tells us to leave and we do. We wait in the streets of Storybrooke hoping for the best.

"Do you think he will succeed?" Emma asks me, I shrug. "My husband isn't a easy man to trick,"

Soon Henry runs out the clock tower and yells, "I got it!" He hands it to Regina and she falls to the ground. After being shaken awake by Emma when gets helped up by Emma, she starts talking to Henry. Then I hear a familiar voice say, "no he won't." Pan says.

"He has the-" hook gets cut off by Pan waving his hand and keeping us in our place. I roll my eyes. 

Mr Gold runs over and pulls him away from us after some taunts from Pan, they start talking which I barely listen to until.. "there's one thing you're forgetting," Gold says. "And what's that?" Pan asks. 

"So have I, I sent it away with something to hide." Gold says and holds his hand up, his shadow flys past and hands him his dagger.

He grabs a hold of Pan and I felt my world crashing down when he stabs Pan. 

I watch as Mr Gold and Pan dies, the spell wears off and I fell to my knees in tears and screams. Henry hugs me and Emma mentions to Regina that the curse is still happening so we get to the town line and I hug Emma and Henry.

We wave bye after more goodbyes, then the smoke consumes us. Leaving our world behind, 

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