Early Morning (Matt Williams)

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I rolled over to face him and I opened my eyes. It took several seconds before my eyes fully adjusted to the darkness. Seeing how he was still in bed, it must've been early in the morning.

I looked at his face. No usual frown. No clenched jaw. He looked like he was truly at peace. I cracked a little smile.

His arms were wrapped loosely around me. I raised one of my hands out of the warm cocoon of blankets and brushed some of his blond hair out of his face. He let out a huff of warm breath before I felt his arms tighten around me bringing me closer to his chest.

I felt my face heat up as I struggled to get out of his iron grip.

"Matt," I whined. "No fair."

He half-smirked before slowly opening one eye to look at me through his lashes. He slowly relaxed his grip.

"You're no fun," he groaned, his voice husky from awakening. Before he let go of me, turning to face the other direction.

I rolled my eyes and relaxed my head against my pillow. "You're the one who's no fun. Trying to suffocate me in the early morning hours."

"I could think of several ways to suffo–"

"Don't even finish that sentence." I blushed furiously.

Dammit, Allen. The brothers were so different in many ways. Yet so similar in others. For one, they were both freaks, though Matt would never admit it. Not that I blame him. I could imagine being related to Allen must've put a lot of stress on him since Allen was always getting into antics that would land himself in trouble. Or jail. Whichever came first.

I closed my eyes. Maybe I could get at least another hour of silent bliss before the day started.

Apparently, Matt had other plans. I felt the bed shift and soon felt the warmth of his breath gently hitting my cheek.

I pulled my face away and turned to face the other way. "Matt, I'm trying to go back to sleep."

I felt his warm lips on the apple of my cheek before his fingers gently brushed the hair that was resting there away from my cheeks. He placed another kiss on my cheek. "Non, réveille-toi, mon amour (wake up, my love)."

I snapped open my eyes and turned to face him. He was sitting with his legs crossed, looking down at me through his lashes.

"Could you repeat that?" I asked. I loved it when he spoke French. The only time I would hear him speak it was whenever his emotions were the strongest. Like now.


"No, the second part."

He grinned. "Anything for you, mon amour."

That's it. I pushed myself up, leaning myself against the headboard as he once moved closer to me until our noses were touching. Then I angled my head down, so that his chin was resting on the crown of my head.

Trying to ignore the goosebumps forming on my bare arms, I pressed my hand against his naked chest. I fixed my gaze on my fingers lightly tracing where I instinctively knew where his infamous scar was before I found myself drifting my hands to where his blond hair was before starting to play with it.

"Stop teasing me," he whispered into my ear causing a shiver to run down my back.

I pulled back and met his childish glare as I smirked, "Make me."

He didn't hesitate before crashing our lips together. I felt my heart rate accelerate as he wrapped his muscular arms around me and I froze in pure bliss as we fell backwards onto the bed. He pinned my wrists to the bed and entangled his legs with mine.

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