Picnic (Oliver Kirkland)

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"Poppet, can you pass me the yellow frosting?" Oliver asked, his attention solely focused on the cupcake in front of him.

I nodded and walked over to the back counter to where the various bright colored frostings were located. I walked back over with a smile on my face, "here you go, Ollie!"

"Perfect. Thank you, love," he sent me a quick smile before returning to the cupcakes.

"By the way, I thought you said we had the day off." I pouted as I entered the front of the pastel pink and blue bakery. I looked at the strawberry blond through the low wall that separated the kitchen from the main area.

"We do! I just wanted to finish this quick batch before we head out." He looked over and sent me a smile, "Besides, poppet, I have the assistant coming in later to run the bakery."

I nodded again, fiddling with my thumbs. I glanced outside the bakery window. Even though it was our one year anniversary, I was still anxious for the wait. Unlike our previous dates, where I was aware of where we were going and what we were doing, Oliver has kept me in the dark about this date. He had mumbled something about it being a surprise earlier in the day while I was half-asleep.

"Alrighty," he skipped out of the kitchen and into the main room with a wooden basket. "Are you ready, poppet?" He grinned and held out his hand.

"Of course, Ollie. I've been waiting forever." I joked as I grasped his soft hand, not surprised by the warmth. Our fingers interlaced. "So where are we off to, first?"

"You silly goose! I already told you that it's a surprise." He gently pulled on my wrist, pulling me out the door before placing the basket down before locking the door. He picked up the basket again, with a small smile.

He hummed in approval while leading me on the sidewalk. I listened to his gentle humming, too engrossed in watching where my feet were going to bother talking.

At least, I thought that was what I was doing. I somehow managed to trip over my feet, almost landing on the hot sidewalk. That is, until a set of lean, pale arms wrapped around me.

I felt my face heat up. However, once I managed to put my feet down and turned to face Oliver, I noticed that his face was way more flushed.

"Watch where you're going, poppet." he said, avoiding looking into my eyes and checking on the contents to make sure nothing got out of it. He let out a small sigh of relief that everything was okay.

I smirked as I got an idea. "Thank you, Ollie~." I nuzzled my face against his cheek before placing a gentle peck there.

"A-anyways, poppet. Let's get going. We wouldn't want to be late." He rubbed his neck before taking my smaller hand within his own.

"If I can't know what we're doing, can I at least know where we're going?" I practically skipped next to him. Oliver blankly looked out in front of him, lost in thought. I slowed down and stared at him with pleading eyes. "Please. Please. Please~."

His baby blue eyes met mine as his grip gently tightened on my hand, pulling me closer to him. "Of course, love. Anything for you!" He smiled before whispering in my ear, "We're going to the park."

His warm breath hit my ear and I shivered. He pulled me back to his side and sent me a wide smile.

Seeing how we had plenty of time before we entered the park and I wanted to avoid the awkwardness of pure silence, I asked, "How are your brothers?" Even though I never met them due to Oliver saying they are not worthy of being in a lady's presence, I wanted to gauge if I would be meeting them soon.

His blue eyes darted across the buildings around us. "Oh, they're just jolly." He gave a tense laugh and forced a smile on his face.

"Well, seeing how we've been dating for a–"

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