Hide and Seek (Allen Jones)

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I paused from my reading to glare at my boyfriend of two years who was sitting across the library table from me. A crooked smirk on his smug face.

"One quick peck on the cheek. That's all."

"Absolutely not." I resumed my reading, ignoring his pout.

He let out a deep, albeit dramatic, sigh. I rolled my eyes, continuing to read the paragraph about contemporary architecture. A paragraph that I have now read more than eight times and still can't understand due to the annoying man sitting across from me.

He let out another sigh, and I once again glanced at him, narrowing my eyes to signal for him to quiet down.

Catching this, he smirked before stretching his arms in the air and letting out a loud yawn.

I jumped up from my seat and leaned over the table to clasp my hand around his mouth. "Allen Jones," I harshly whispered, "Do you want us kicked out?"

Mischief glimmered in his red eyes. He slowly nodded.

I clenched my jaw and rolled my eyes. Of course, he wants to. I was the one who dragged him out of the house to come here. I felt something warm and ticklish caress my palm.

"Allen!" My cheeks heated up in realization that he licked me. I pulled my hand away and wiped away his saliva on my jeans. Crinkling my nose as I slammed the book close before throwing it into my bag. I gave a quick apologetic nod to the librarian as I stomped towards the exit.

Allen's annoying footsteps raced after me as I slammed the door closed, not bothering to hold it open for him.

Knowing that closing the heavy door would buy me some time, I smirked as I increased my walking speed, throwing apologetic glances at people as I pushed past them.

Damn, why were there so many out today?

I pushed through the crowd until I found myself at a crosswalk. Cars raced by indicating that it would be best if I waited. I glanced around at my surroundings. Crowds gathered all around.


Feeling my phone vibrate, I pulled it out of my back pocket. The screen lit up with the familiar photo of Allen and I on our "first date" as he liked to call it.

We were sitting on the lowest level of the bleachers. It was the end of his baseball game and the stranger's face was covered in a thin layer of sweat from the sweltering heat of the sun. I was waiting for my older brother to come back from changing when this stranger sat next to me, gulping down water from his water bottle. After he was finished, he stared directly at me.

"Have fun?" He asked, a smirk on his tan face. But what stood out to me the most were his eyes. They were the most dazzling shade of red I think I ever saw. Especially in the late afternoon sun.

Ignoring the warming sensation on my cheeks, I pressed my lips firmly together. And looked off to the side. When is my brother going to come back? This stranger is giving me a weird feeling.

"Hello, doll. I'm talking to you." The stranger slid closer to me. "Hellllooooo~ Earth to doll." He started waving his hand in front of my face.

"What the hell do you want?" I snapped, glaring into his red orbs as I slid further away from the strange man.

"Oh, feisty. I look for that in a woman, you know." He leaned back against the bleachers with his hands behind his head. I clenched my jaw at his comment, but stayed still. "Anyways," he started, once again sliding closer to me. "I totally saw you checking me out and cheering for me, out there." He tilted his head towards the direction of the field, cocking his right eyebrow slightly up.

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