Request Info

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In case you would like to request a one shot, I have decided to create some guidelines on what I need in order to create the perfect one shot for you!

1. The character- Obviously, the most important element of the story

2. The genre- By this, I mean: Fluff, angst, paranormal, yandere, lime, song-based story, etc. Or it could even be a scenario, if you so choose!

3. The Plot- Another really important aspect of the story as it helps guide me with my writing! After listing the genre, please create an outline (could be long or short) of what you would like to see in the story. You could do this by providing me with a checklist of things you absolutely want to see happen or providing a general outline of what you would like. With this, it could be tricky, but please be as specific as possible with the plot (so I can accurately portray what you would like to see).

4. The POV- It could be in first person, second person, third person, his POV, etc. (Please leave your pronouns if you would like it to be specific towards you, if you don't I will try my hardest to make it as gender neutral as I can).

Overall, there's not much else. Now, let's get to some general guidelines:

1. Obviously, please remember to be empathetic with your requests. I am trying to create a safe space that is inclusive to everybody. Please do not request something that will be considered offensive, as I will not write it.

2. I will try my best to get to writing your request as soon as I can! I am a person with a life outside of writing and want to experience the world. That being said, I usually try to write at least for a couple hours each day on this project as well as a few others. I also struggle with writer's block which is why things might take a little longer (of course if that happens I will try to communicate swiftly with you).

3. You can either message me your request or comment it below on this page. I will let you know as soon as possible when I begin writing it. Additionally, I will try to notify you when it is uploaded.

a). Please note: I also post to Quotev, and if you would not like your request there, please let me know!

4. Be respectful. Pretty straightforward, but I feel like it must be said even though I haven't had problems with writing fanfics before. However, you never know! Plus, a reminder is always helpful.

Overall, a lot of my scenarios are from my own imagination and based on my personal headcanons. Sometimes, I go to Tumblr for inspiration for a character if I'm struggling. However, in the information you provide, both the plot and a checklist of things you provide will help me craft the story.

It is my responsibility as a writer to create a story that you will enjoy. Therefore, I look forward to writing your requests!

Best ^^

2p Hetalia Oneshots | HeadcanonsWhere stories live. Discover now