2p Canada (Matt Williams) Yandere Headcanons *Request*

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A/N: Request from Quotev! I might've gone all out with this! I discovered that I like writing headcanons (this is my first ever), but I hope you enjoy! ^^

This contains themes including those of the yonder trope (stalking and kidnapping). If you don't feel comfortable with that content, please do not read!

First Meeting/ Getting to know you:

Matt doesn't really think much of you at first. In fact, he initially thinks that you're nice. However, he also thinks you'll end up just like other people. It'll be hard to make him open up to you, but the more you either begin to sit silently next to him or attempt to make small talk, then he'll slowly but surely open up. However, when you capture his attention, he can't seem to take his eyes off you. You become his everything. And he can't seem to take his mind off of you. He notices every little detail: the way you tug on your hoodie, your reactions and emotions, how you attempt to get him to stop smoking. He notices it all.Yet, if you were to ask him his thoughts about you, he would respond in his usual brutally "honest" and blunt ways. He'd try by giving you a curt response such as: "we're friends," "You're extremely nice," etc. However, he wishes he could say what's really on his mind. He thinks you're his perfect, ideal partner. He wants to hold you and keep you out of the eyes and reach of others. He wants to be your everything as much as you are his everything. Somehow, he magically appears whenever you're in public and in dire need of help. Need help carrying something? He's got it covered. Someone is teasing you? He'll send them a glare that'll make them wish they were dead (yet, this is only at the beginning). Whatever you need help with, he'll be there to help. If you ever attend any of his hockey games, his heart will literally skip a beat. He'll try his best (and succeed) to ignore it and use it to his advantage in the game. He will defeat the other team (of course by following the rules, but he also gives it his all to impress you).In the first stages of getting to know you, he'll stick to calling you by your first name. But as time goes on, he'll begin shortening your name to make his own little nicknames for you. Additional nicknames include: Maple, mon lapin (my rabbit), and mon poussin (baby chicken). He will use any animal as a nickname in your friendship. That being said, he will flirt with you. You might blush, chuckle, or ask him to stop, but any reaction he gets from you is positive. However, if you are dead serious about him actually stopping, he will (as much as it hurts his heart). However, he knows that you will get comfortable with it eventually. He will meet your friends and family. They will be put off by his cold and aloof demeanor at first. However, they will get used to him over time and will come to like him as they all become comfortable around each other. This is perfect for him because eventually your friends and family will point out how you two would be the perfect couple. However, this is only stage one of his plan.


As hinted above, Matt is not above stalking. Afterall, he sees it as a way to connect with you. From this, he'll figure out all of your habits, your daily schedule, who you constantly hang out around. He is incredibly good at this. It is horrifying. As mentioned above, he'll be there whenever you need some help, someone to talk to, or a shoulder to cry on. Most times, you are too distracted to notice whenever he takes something small. This is all according to his plan. You see, he'll collect various items for Kuma to smell. That way, if he has to resort to kidnapping, you won't be able to escape that easily.

Which leads me to the next thing, kidnapping:

Matt is not opposed to it. However, he will do anything to prevent that from happening. By that, I mean that he will use his intimidation factor to scare people off. This becomes especially more prevalent when you two become friends. I mean the man is literally giant and strong. Yeah, people will be afraid of him to the point where they will start avoiding you too. He only does this to those he views as competition, but if you start focusing more on your friends or family, then he will resort to creating a divide between you and whoever it is. He usually does this by using whatever blackmail he can find on the other and tell you. He would never say anything negative about you. If this still doesn't work, his hockey stick will obviously help him take care of the problem. However, if this doesn't work out: he will kidnap you in the middle of the night while you're asleep. He'll most likely use chloroform or some other drug to keep you sedated as he maneuvers you out of your house and into his truck. He will also pack a bag with all of your favorite belongings (with the exception of your cell phone– you don't need that while you're with him). He has a cabin in the middle of a dense forest. This is where he will keep you where you will be safe, but maybe not so sound. Again, good luck with trying to escape– there's hunting traps everywhere as well as Kuma, who will search for you as soon as Matt notices you're gone.


Matt will give you a couple of chances before he results to anything violent because he is somewhat patient after all. Don't push his buttons too far though, or else he will snap (again, this is tough for you to do because he understands why you are misbehaving) His initial warnings will be locking you in isolation for a couple of days or yelling at you. But he will absolutely try everything in his power to not harm you.


If you behave well, Matt will give you more freedom. Afterall, he just wants you to be happy. However, "freedom" is still very much limited, as he will have eyes and ears on you wherever you go. He is related to very power people, after all. He will do anything to make you happy. He will literally act like a lost puppy if you are not happy with anything. Will go out of his way, to prevent anyone, including yourself, from hurting you. If all works out and he doesn't have to resort to kidnapping you. He will be the best boyfriend/fiance/ husband ever. Consider all your problems and worries gone. He will protect you from anything. Bonus: Kuma likes you straight away and he will come up to you for belly rubs (Much to Matt's distress). However, if Kuma makes you happy, then Matt will be okay with leaving you two alone. You will instantly move into his house when you two begin a romantic relationship (this is only if he doesn't have to kidnap you).

Little things:

Matt loves holding your hand or holding you close. He says it's just to keep him warm, but in reality, it is just to bring a small smile to his face to know that you two are close. He absolutely will speak in French to you when you two begin a romantic relationship (this occurs way more than just the French nicknames he gives you as a friend). Additionally, any intense emotion will result in him slipping into French. He will not stop with the French, even if it annoys you because he knows deep down that you like it too. His personal favorite is: "mon amour". It's straight to the point in his opinion.This man is flirty and he knows it. He would never admit it to being proud of it (unlike others). However, when it's just the two of you, he will not stop being smooth. This is almost like a second nature to him. His ideal dates are either being indoors and sitting by the fire while drinking hot chocolate or laying on the ground while stargazing. Again, be prepared for a lot of cuddling. You are his safe space. And he will be completely honest with you and only you. It takes a while before his honesty can come through actual sentences and not just a few words. But just be patient, and you will get (most of) the whole truth from him.


Matt is the type of yandere to manipulate things from behind the scene. He is protective, obsessive, and quiet about all his yandere tendencies. He is probably one of the best yanderes to have an obsession with you as he will do anything to ensure that you are happy and comfortable with him. You are his everything and he will shower you with affection as a way to make you his. Just make sure that you are 100% honest with him, and you'll end up in a very healthy relationship. You don't need to know about how deep his obsession runs for you, and he will make sure to keep it that way!

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⏰ Last updated: May 21, 2022 ⏰

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