I Care for You (Luciano Vargas)

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Hearing a long string of swears from downstairs, I exited the bedroom and rushed down the stairs. Now, standing outside his office, I pressed my ear against the door. Sure enough, he was talking on the phone to one of his subordinates.

A cough sounded from behind me. I jumped and looked back to see a familiar blond smiling at me. He was dressed in one of his new designer suits.

"Spying on my fratello this early in the morning?" He winked at me.

"Uhhh, no. I was just concerned. I heard yelling..." I trailed off, looking at the man in front of me who began to shake.

He tackled me into a hug, rubbing his cheek against mine. My eyes went wide and I tried to push him off of me. "You're just so cute~! If you weren't dating him, I would make you mine in a second."

"Th-thank you?" I wasn't sure if I was correctly processing what I was hearing. And if Luciano heard. Well, let's just say that I might never see Flavio again.

He pulled back and gasped, scanning over my pajama pants and top. "And you're not even dressed for the day? We can't let him see you like this!" He tugged at my wrist, pulling me to the hell known as his home studio. At least that was what Luciano called it. Usually, he was there to save me from his brother, but I guess he was too busy.

I struggled against Flavio's grip. "W-wait! I just woke up a few minutes ago!"

"Hmmm." He stopped, but his grasp of my wrist didn't waiver. He turned back to peer at me from his designer glasses. "Please. Please. Please! This is the first time I get to design something for you! You're always with my fratello and he always keeps you away from me which I still don't understand. But please~! I promise I won't do anything to make you ugly, not that I would to begin with, but just looking at you, I have so many plans."

I swore he was giving me puppy-dog eyes from behind his glasses. I felt my face heat up. I'm sure it can't be too bad, right? I looked away and gave a small nod.

He squealed and pulled me into another tight hug. "Grazie! Grazie! Grazie! You're going to look so much more beautiful than you already do," he assured me, pulling away and dragging me back towards his design studio.

When he closed the door behind me, I found myself pausing and scanning my surroundings. There were various mannequins, some dressed in various outfits while others weren't clothed at all. There were countless rolls of fabrics of various colors, fabrics, and patterns. Then there were some clothes hung up against the wall sectioned by colors and seasons.

"Some of it is PR. Ya know? Connections." He spun around the room gesturing to clothes before grabbing my wrist to lead me to another room. "But first, you need to get ready for the day ahead with a shower."

Flavio pushed me inside a room and closed the door. "There's shampoo, conditioner, and other toiletries in the bottom drawer. As for towels, just open the cupboard."

I once again ogled the fancy bathroom. It was dim, but I could see the walls were painted with a light sky blue. As for the drawers and cupboards, they were painted black. Both the shower and the counter were pure white marble.

No matter how long I lived with the brothers, I was surprised by their luxurious, finer tastes for the small things in life. Honestly, I was just happy with a roof over my head, I thought as I stripped from my pajamas and grabbed the supplies before stepping into the large shower.

After I was finished, I managed to find a silk robe and left the bathroom. I stepped back into the main studio to find that Flavio already laid out several clothes. Most consisting of various sundresses. I blushed and looked away.

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