3: Psychoactive

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Everytime he passed by a student in the halls, his head buzzed, alerting him to every supernatural entity in the school. It was one of his powers, to sense the supernatural, and be able to tell their species. After a while at the school it got easier to ignore the constant dull headache. But at the moment Mattheo was too distracted to tune out the little voices in his head. The pounding sound of hundreds of feet and chatter didn’t help either. Thankfully, the bell rang, sending every student to their classes, except one.

Alaric Saltzman always frowned at skipping class, but at least he knew Mattheo only did it for a reason. He’s not so sure Vardemus would appreciate his curious mind. The dark haired teen had bribed Lizzie into helping him set up for a few spells. He had her set it up in the same place he met Sebastian, the strangely handsome but creepy man. Hundreds of candles were lit around the dim room, giving it an orange glow that complemented Mattheo’s tan skin. He stood in front of a chaotically organized table, mumbles of Latin spilling out of his mouth as he focused on the decaying book in front of him.

“Shit…” he cursed.

After 10 different spells Mattheo was starting to get a little frustrated trying to figure out where Sebastian was, and what kind of creature he is. The teen decided to give himself a break, running his fingers through his curly hair.

Ever since a couple of months ago, Mattheo felt like he was the only one who could protect the school. As conceited as it sounds, it was partially true. Of course, he needed the help of his friends, but lately they have been ignoring the ever growing monster problem.


A familiar sound echoed in his ears, making his eyes narrow on the new figure in front of him.

“Hello, Mattheo,” Sebastian said, his accent making Mattheo wonder where he came from even more.

“Ah, you’re a witch?” the mysterious man questioned, glancing down at the pile of spell books.

“No, not really,” Mattheo shook his head, coming out from behind the table in order to confront Sebastian.
“What were you looking for?” Sebastian inquired, his voice having a taunting tone. It made Mattheo angry, wondering if the man was just playing him for a fool.

“Nothing actually, I just got bored….waiting for a friend.” Mattheo lied. Usually he could come up with lies just as easy as breathing. But something about the man has him hesitating to do just that.

“Why are you here Sebastian? Because twice now you have gotten through this school's magical border without me knowing,” Mattheo was clearly frustrated, and suffering a slightly bruised ego as he interrogated the man in front of him.

“I came to see you, cause I have a request,” Sebastian moved towards the table eerily, making Mattheo stiffen.

“And what would that be?” Mattheo said condescendingly.

“Stop looking for me,” Sebastian grinned, causing Mattheo to immediately stutter.

“W-what?” He gulped.

“You're drawn to me, I can sense it. I’m drawn to you too but, you shouldn't get too close,” Sebastian warned, like adding gasoline to the growing fire of embarrassment and anger Mattheo was feeling.

“Are you threatening me?” Mattheo actually thought Sebastian was flirting with him, but he didn’t want to say that out loud. The teen never really pondered his sexuality, so he didn’t consider himself straight, or gay. Mattheo just…is. But Sebastian made his head all jumbled, so he assumed it wasn’t a good thing.

“You seem like a nice guy, and well, my life is, shall we say, complicated?” Sebastian got uncomfortably close. Close enough that if Mattheo let out a breath it would move the hair that hangs down in front of Sebastian’s face.

“Goodbye Mattheo” he concluded, giving him a little wave.

“Oh and by the way, I'm not sure who this friend is, but you shouldn’t have to wait around for anyone.”

Nightfall came soon after Mattheo’s interaction with Sebastion. The teen was making his regular rounds around the woods when he spotted a couple of Timber Wolf students, apparently trying to graffiti the school before the annual scrimmage game tomorrow. Matthew had almost forgotten that it was even happening. The dark-haired teen stayed hidden in the dark, listening in to what appears to be the humans arguing with each other. Soon three out of the four guys left, leaving just one.

A wretched howl echoed through the trees, startling both Mattheo and the trespasser. Ember eyes peered through the trees, ignoring the sound of a rifle being loaded in the background as the teen tried to find the source of the howl. As Mattheo turned around, he caught a large four-legged creature lunging at the trespasser, knocking him to the ground.

He didn’t hesitate to rush to the guy's side, teeth bared threateningly at the strange wolf-like creature. The monster only growled angrily, snapping its crooked teeth at the teens. It stopped to smell the air, head tilting up before its eyes stared blankly at Mattheo. Both creatures clashed together, teeth and claws causing damage to both parties.It was like a blur for Mattheo, him acting just on instinct. Unfortunately the creature was stronger than Mattheo in his current form, being able to throw him around like a ragdoll. It didn’t take long for the creature to take down Mattheo, knocking him out on the floor. The teens vision grew darker, all the energy drained from his body, forcing him to sleep.

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