New team member?

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[3rd person POV]

Flug looked at the heroes and smiled "YOUR CRAZY!" one of them shouted, "oh I know that. But if you're ready give me the information." "NEVER!" 'grass girl' said. Flug sighed and went to the machine and pressed one of the buttons, the heroes screamed again and this started to entertain Flug "so? Are you going to give me the information I need?" "FINE" the heroes all responded to flug. Flug listened closely and started to write down everything they knew for example: 'heroes meet and where the heroes keep all their stuff and where their secret bases are.' flug wrote down THE ENTIRE CONVERSATION WORD BY WORD LETTER BY LETTER EVERY LITTLE THING THEY SAID AND HE SAID HE WROTE DOWN! Once they we're done he heard dementia casually walk in the room with a few bandages and she said "Hey nerd! Got the information for Blackhat? I can watch these idiots for you." "Yes thanks I'll go give the information now." Flug responded thinking dementia's being a little bit kinder then usual but he shrugged it off and walked quickly with his notepad reading the conversation. He opened the door and said a bit confidently "I've got the information they have told me!" Blackhat looked impressed and gave a evil grin "Thank you flug. I will read this but you can leave now." Flug did as he said and went back to the test room to see dementia and 5.0.5 tied up in 2 chairs but to still see the 3 siblings in the cage, flug then noticed a tall dark gray skinned woman wearing a long tight black dress and a hat with 2 black roses on it she had black lipstick and black nails then he noticed her black hair went down to her chest and her blood red eyes and blood dripping down everywhere. Flug grabbed a ray gun from his coat pocket and pointed at the lady taller than him but before he could attack they lady disappeared but reappeared in a millisecond closed to flug but more to the left of the room flug was so confused he just ran to untie 5.0.5 and dementia from the chairs "OH WELL THANKS FOR SAVING US SO SOON!" dementia hissed  the lady appeared in front of them and said "oh hello I was just looking around I must introduce myself to calm you down! My name is ×3||✓, but you can call me Lady Black!" They all looked stunned at her entrance but calmed down 5.0.5 look confused, dementia angry for some reason but flug just said "do you mind if I take you to black hat?" "No problem! I can show my powers there! About that so you mind if I work with you all?" She said in a polite and cheerful tone. "I don't mind. But it's up to Blackhat if you are going to work here." Flug responded "alright lead the way!" Lady Black said.

Hi guys I just finished a new chapter! I wasn't updating because I had no motivation, I was busy with school and worst of all I was EXTREMELY SICK I threw up 2 times and I had a headache a fever and I was on my period for 4 days and it SUCKED the only good part about it is I could snuggle with my cats all day 😺 and I had no school and then I had to make up 2 days worth and do that days school so yeah... Welp hope you aren't sick are sad or just feeling like a piece of trash today. Anyways good night/day/morning/afternoon/evening just stay safe don't get COVID-19 and if you do have it then I wish you best of luck love you all ❤️

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