Get ready folks it's happening.

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[Flug's POV]

The others had left to have me calm down and they said they'd be quiet though I heard Blackhat and his father arguing for about 8 minutes.

I heard the door open when I was sitting on my bed fixing a broken invention. Blackhat walked in and shut the door behind him, then he did something unexpected. He walked up to me and pulled me out of my bed and picked me up putting my legs around his waste.

His lips smashed on mine and we had been kissing for like a minute before his tounge slipped in my mouth and twirled with mine.

It had been 30 minutes and we were still making out but he parted still holding me and he stared kissing my neck and bitting it leaving hickeys and bite marks with a little blood but Blackhat licked the blood of. Soon he bite a sensitive spot and I gave out a moan of pleasure.

I think y'all know where this is going (͡° ͜ʖ ͡° )

He kept biting that spot multiple times and everytime he did my moans got louder. He slowly took off my shirt and I just let it happen cause idk          ¯\(°_o)/¯ fuck you I guess.

Before I knew it we were both naked and he was pinning me on my bed.

I'll write it tomorrow I'm too busy uhm READING smut to make smut so my first smut is one of my best smut.

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