✰ How you met them: KURT

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Kurt: 17

Y/N: 16

 Y/N's POV:

I tossed and turned in my bed, but I just couldn't seem to get comfortable. I turned to look at my alarm clock sitting on my bedside table. It read '12:42'. 

"God dammit..", I mumbled under my breath.

I finally decided to just get out of bed and take a scroll around the neighborhood. I put on a hoodie and put on some flip-flops before grabbing my box of cigarettes hidden under my bed. I quietly walked downstairs, being careful not to wake up my parents. I slowly opened the front door and began down the sidewalk. I made my way down to a bridge where I would frequently sit under to be left with my thoughts. 

Upon arriving,  I noticed someone else standing there under the bridge. I couldn't see what they looked like because it was dark. All I could see was a small light from a lit cigarette in their hand. Ignoring them, I walked to the opposite side of them. 

I reached in my hoodie pocket to grab my cigarettes. As I grabbed one from the box, I realized I left my lighter at home. Being left with no other choice, I turned to the right of me and asked them for a light. 

"Hey, um, you got a lighter I can borrow? Forgot mine.", I asked casually.  It was then that the stranger spoke, who I was now able to understand was a male. 

"Yeah sure, I got you.", the male said with a slightly rough yet soft voice. I heard the faint footsteps of him walking towards me. I was only able to slightly make out his silhouette as he got closer. With one hand, he held out the lighter and lit it, allowing me to hold my cigarette over it to light it. As I was lighting it, I was able to see his face in the dim light created by the small flame. Dirty blonde hair and beautiful, icy blue eyes. He was quite the attractive man, I'll give him that. 

After putting the now lit cigarette in my mouth, he pulled his hand away and put it his jeans pocket. We both stood there silent for a while, just quietly smoking our tobacco, until he broke the silence. 

"You live around here?", he asked blankly.

"Yeah, just around the corner."

And with that we were quiet again. He then spoke again. 

"I'm Kurt by the way. You?"

"Y/N L/N", I answered.

"Y/N... I like that name. Well see you around Y/N.", and with that Kurt was walking off. 

"See you around Kurt!", I semi-shouted, making sure he could hear me since he was already walking away. 

'What a weird guy... seems kinda cool though..', I thought to myself. I don't know who this 'Kurt' guy was, but I damn well wanted to. 


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