✰ When You're Sick

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- Would not leave your side for ANYTHING 

- He would constantly ask you "you okay?" and "can I get you anything?" because he wants the best for you.

- Band practice? Nope, y/n's sick. Interview? Nope, y/n's sick. The world ending? Nope, y/n's sick

-  He's too sweet, really 


- He would do everything he can and get you everything you need F R O M  A  D I S T A N C E

- He loves you, but also doesn't want to get sick

- He'll leave you medicine and food at the door because he doesn't want your cooties 

- You called him a dork for it, but he just replied with "Correction: YOU'RE dork" while spraying Lysol in the air. 


- All of a sudden, he is a doctor.

- Dr. Novoselic 😳😳

- Would watch over you every chance he gets and spends plenty of time with you too.

- Need soup? Already has it ready. Need medicine? He already bought it. Need to take your temperature? Already put the thermometer in your mouth. 

- Get y'all a man like Krist istg  

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