Chapter 11

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Chapter 11: prom

I stand against Ariana bathroom door, as Ariana pace back and forth throughout her room

I'm the one trying to figure out if I'm really pregnant or not, and she's the one pacing around nearly having a panic attack like she's the one in the situation

After a while she stops The pacing and pauses

"This is all my fault"

I look at her with questionable eyes

"How exactly is this your fault? I'm the one who had sex with him" I say in distress

"Yes, but if I would have never have gotten you so drunk you would have been sober and this would have never happened" Ariana says in stress

"Ariana why are you stressed? You are not the one that is pregnant with the players baby"

"Possibly pregnant" Ariana says quickly

It's been two weeks since the party, and at first I thought it was just the symptom of pregnancy but then again it could have also been symptoms of a hang over. Like the throwing up and things. It was to early to tell, but now I'm taking a pregnancy test to clarify

"Well are you going to tell Cameron if it comes out positive?" Ariana questions

"Not tonight. Prom is tonight and I have bigger worries than Cameron" I say before flopping on her bed

"Bigger worries then telling your maybe baby daddy that he is a baby daddy? I don't understand you"

"I love Justin okay? I made a dumb mistake and picked Cameron over him, but my feelings for him were still real. I still love Justin. So yes I may be possibly pregnant, but I'm getting Justin back if it's the last thing I do" I grunt

Ariana opens her mouth to say something but was stopped by the beeping of the timer. It's been 10 minutes. Time to see if I'm really pregnant or not

I see fear in Ariana eyes as she walks toward the test. She picks up the stick and I close my eyes afraid of what it says. My whole future depends on that stick.

I pray that I'm not pregnant

Ariana gasp as she covers her mouth.

"your pregnant" Ariana says softly. I pop up off the bed quickly and rush to where she stood. Taking the stick from her hands

I gasp as the results are confirmed. I look at Ariana and she looks at me

"What are you going to do?" Ariana whispers

I feel A tear roll down my eyes

I have no idea. With prom tonight, getting Justin back, and possibly telling Cameron he is the father is so overwhelming. I never knew my high school years would end like this. Me with a baby.

It seems like so much on my plate, and honestly I don't know what to do with myself. I'm ashamed, but keeping the baby isn't my only option. But for now it is

I know what I have to do.

I grab my car keys and rush out the door. As I rush onto the road I'm on a mission. I speed down the road trying to get to Cameron house as fast as I can. He lives like an hour away and prom will start soon. I don't have time to waist tonight. I need to get everything off my chest

45 minutes past and by the speed of my driving I'm thankful I didn't get pulled over, and have time to spear. Cameron house looks busy full of big trucks but I ignore it and head for the front door

playing games with the bad boy. book #1 of the bad boy series'sWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu