Chapter 12

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Today was the day, Graduation. It's finally here, and it kills me to say this but I am going to miss Cameron, and high school, and everything else good in my life. I'm still pregnant, and I literally have no idea what I am going to do with my life. College was on the table, but that can't happen with a baby and no baby daddy, so still nothing. After everything I would have never though that my high school life would end like this, honestly.

I sit in my mirror, staring at myself and hating everything that I see. I don't like it, any of it.

my cap and gown sat on my bed just waiting to be worn, I've waited 4 years to wear this and now I can't even stand to look at it.

I apply lip gloss to my lips, and give myself a fake smile of accomplishment

"Hey sweetheart" I hear a familiar voice say, I turn my head and there stood my parents with a smile on their face

"Hi" I speak before getting up to greet them with a hug.

"I am so proud of you honey" mom says with a sweet smile that she loves to give me I return the smile

" Thanks mom " I say

" Look we even got you a gift" My dad says as he pulls out a small black box

I smile

" You guys didn't have to get me anything " I assure them before taking the box out of my dad's hands

" Yes we did, open it" My dad encourages

I open up the box and inside was a necklace with the letter s in the middle

" Thank you, You guys" I cry out, before pulling them in for yet another hug

" Your welcome, now let's go. Can't be late to your own graduation" my mom says and I laugh

" Okay, give me 10 minutes to change"

My parents leave my room, leaving me to get ready

I grab an all white dress out of my closet, that stopped just above my knee and mid thigh, and I grab some all white heels. I place the necklace that was just given to me on my neck and smile once I was finished

" Let's go" I say as I walk down the stairs

" Damn mami you look fine" Ariana says from my living room. I run up to her once I spotted her presence

" Ari you're here" I say in excitement

" Of course, we survived high school together the least we can do is finish it together" Ariana says and I agree

" We will see you ladies after the ceremony" My mom says before walking out of the house

" Wanna go graduate?" Ariana question with a smile

" Hmmm....I guess" I say playfully before clinging onto her arm as we walk out my house together

" So how do you think your speech will turn out?" I question Ariana, as we speed down the road

" Amazing, I've spent months stressing over it, but it was all worth it. But most importantly how did telling Cameron go?" Ariana says with questionable eyes

" I didn't tell him" I say simply

Ariana scolds me

" Samantha you need to tell him, that's kinda a big deal"

" I know, I know, but he's gone so what does it matter. He's going to college for baseball and most likely will go pro, and I just don't want to worry him with my issues"

" With your issues? Look Sammy I'm no doctor or rocket scientist but I'm pretty sure it takes 2 people to make a baby" Ariana scolds

" Look I don't want to talk about it, today is our day, okay? So let's just get these god damn diploma and then take on this issue afterwards" I say restlessly and Ariana agrees.


" And now for this years valedictorian to give the speech. Please welcome To the stage Ariana whitmore" Principal Aaron announced, as Ariana walked up on the stage

" Thank you. Hello my name is Ariana, some of you may know me and some of you may not. But here goes my speech. I've spent months working out on this speech to make it perfect. I wasn't eating as much, I wasn't enjoying my last few months of high school, because I was putting my all into something that just didn't work. I was about half way into writing my speech when I realized that none of this mattered. It didn't matter if my speech was going to be perfect because I'm only going to say it once for a limited amount of time. Nobody will probably even listen to it, let along remember it, so why am I working so hard for something so small?. So that day I tore up my ' perfect speech' and wrote from my heart. If high school taught me one thing, it would be to enjoy my life, and to not let the bad thing that I'm stressing over bring me down. Writing this speech taught me that no matter how hard I work for something nothing will ever be perfect. So I'm saying to you all is too live your life, don't stride for perfection because your only fooling yourself, take life one step at a time as it comes to you. Because you can do it. Life is like a speech. You spend your whole life planning something, and pursuing it only to get to mid point of your life and realize that planning and being perfect is pointless. We are all born to make mistakes, and too not be perfect, but we were also born to explore this world so it could teach us. So let life teach you, weather for the good, or bad, let it in and be extraordinary, not perfect. Thank you" Ariana finishes her speech and that's where all the applause comes in. Including mine

After the speech the principal called us all one by one to get our diploma. I shook facilities hands that I didn't even know and took my seat

" Class of 2015 please rise" Principal Aaron says, and I do as I'm told

" You may now toss your caps"

And with that I toss my cap up and smile. Now for the real world

At least I made it this far, I made it

playing games with the bad boy. book #1 of the bad boy series'sWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu