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"What? Cat got your tongue?"- - ┈┈∘┈˃̶༒˂̶┈∘┈┈ - -

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"What? Cat got your tongue?"
- - ┈┈∘┈˃̶༒˂̶┈∘┈┈ - -

A little later, the trio was now downstairs, Five staring at his self portrait that hung on the wall above the fireplace, while Will and Mavis sat on the couch.

"Even though he's a kid again he still has the posture of an old man" Mavis though to Will

"We're only thirty" Will reminded the girl

"Yeah, well look at him"

The two looked over at the boy to see his attention was still on his painting, occasionally looking down at the fire, but their attention was soon drawn to the fact that his back was slouched ever so slightly, causing Mavis to stifle a laugh, bringing her hand to cover her mouth.

"See? Told you so"

"Yeah, it's kinda concerning...did he always have that?"


Will said nothing back and just worriedly looked back at five who began talking as his sister, Vanya entered the room. "Nice to know Dad didn't forget me." Five turned to look at the girl, "Read your book by the way, we found it in a library that was still standing." Five turned and walked away, the other two just sitting on the couch watching the exchange like children do when adults are talking. "I thought it was good, all things considered."

"Defiantly ballsey" Mavis muttered, to which Will shoved her shoulder lightly with his to quiet her. It seemed only he had heard her, though Five's eyes flickered over to her for only a second. He gave his attention back to Vanya, slowly walking back, "Giving up the family secrets, sure that went over well." He told her, "They hate me" she responded.

After that, things started getting sad, so Will and Mavis decided that they would excuse themselves, and tried in a feigned attempt to make themselves scarce. Again. Feigned. Because Will, tripped over the coffee table, and Mavis in an attempt to catch him, fell with him. The two let out a "oof" as they toppled, Mavis on top of Will. The two raised their head up, to see Five and his sibling looking over at them with mixed expressions.

Vanya, held a worried one, while Five held an exasperated one. His fault really. He's never understood how hard it is to not trip on everything in the vicinity. Even air. Blame it on the smarts. "Are they okay?" Vanya asked, concerned to which Five sighed, "No, but they never are, don't mind them" he waved them off. The two took the hint of the fact that they should leave due to ruining the moment, and swiftly made her way out the room.

"You think he's annoyed with us?" Will asked, sounding genuinely worried, meanwhile, Mavis held a nonchalant attitude, "Eh" she shrugged, linking their hands, "He'll get over it."  They made there way back up to Fives room to work.

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The three now stood outside, in the rain along with the rest of the family as they stood holding umbrellas to shield themselves from the water. Mavis held the umbrella, being in the middle of the other two, and held an uncomfortable expression. She hated funerals. Well she may never have been to one, but she just hated the thought of one.

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