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Naruto sat in an unoccupied part of the bridge, staring at the three floating orbs around him.

They would float lazily around him and randomly unless he focused on them, in which case they became faster and more predictable. So far he found that the faster they go the longer they get, like they're stretching.

Then Naruto help out his hand to one and willed it to change shape completely. It became a long black staff and. The other two orbs gravitated towards the top. "Wow...too bad I don't know how to use a staff... I'll get Itachi to help me." Then he changed it to a black ring with three thick blades sticking from it.(think Darksector weapon) "wonder what else I can make?"

Then he felt a presence behind him and jumped to his feet, the orbs returning to their original shape and traveling in a circle around his body. Naruto didn't know why they were circling him at chest height at arms reach but he didn't care.

"Calm yourself. I'm not here to fight, yet." The voice was powerful, confident, like he knew he couldn't be beaten.

Naruto saw the muscular man from before.

"My name is Dagura Notisho. I'm here to ask you to leave." He sat down and leaned against the railing.

"Why would we just leave? You're here alone, what if I kill you now?" Naruto asked.

The man laughed. "I am virtually indestructible because of one of my two bloodlines. It's known commonly as Black Steel release. I can turn part or all of my body into black steel which is harder than diamond. My other bloodline comes from my mother...lava release... I and my friend Haku would much rather not have to kill you. Zabuza-sama would rather kill you and especially your sensei... Please, leave so I don't have to kill again..."

Naruto looked sadly at him. "Again?"

He nodded. "My friend Haku...he's too innocent and pure to kill anyone. Preferring to disable with his needles, so when he can't...I kill them."

Naruto sighed. "I'm sorry. We aren't going anywhere." Naruto pulled a kunai and shot forward quickly.

The man made no attempt to block as the blade hit his chest.

Instead of killing him the blades tip bent and it snapped in half. "I told you kid. I'm indestructible..." Then he stood and walked off, leaving Naruti to his thoughts.

Changes: NarutoWhere stories live. Discover now