Inu the Kage

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Sasuke looked at Naruto and Hinata. "Since your hands aren't free I'll grab your shoulder."

Naruto chuckled at that. Despite Hinata's insistence that she could walk Naruto carried her in his arms.

Hinata just smiled and replied. "I'm sorry Sasuke-kun. He's being over protective."

"It's fine...I understand, he's only doing it because he loves you." Sasuke gripped Naruto's shoulder and the three of them teleported to the council room, where a meeting between the civilian and ninja clan heads was being held.

Most of the ninja and civilians began to smile, probably thankful everything worked out, but not Shikaku Nara. "Where's Minato-sama?"

Naruto looked away slightly. "He...he didn't make it."

"Troublesome...I assume it was the threat that took Hinata?" He replied.

Naruto nodded. "It cost my father his life to save us, he died like a true Kage, protecting his people no matter the cost."

Shikaku nodded. "Dammit. I hate to bring it up this soon, but without a Kage we are vulnerable to attack. We should decide soon."

Some of the civilians nodded their heads.  "I nominate Danzo Shimura."

"I nominate myself." Sasuke scoffed.

Shikaku spoke. "I nominate Hatake Kakashi."

"Seems things are up for a vote. As advisor to the hokage, and head of the Shimura clan, I use my two votes on myself." Danzo spoke loudly and clearly.

Naruto and Sasuke felt the trickle of a very subtle genjutsu. "Everyone wait...someone is using genjutsu." Sasuke crossed his arms, scanning the room with his sharinnegan. "Hyuuga, do me a favor and use your byakugan to look at Danzo. I see chakra built up at his eye and right arm."

Hiashi nodded, then gasped at what he saw. "He has a total of ten sharingan, one in his eye socket, nine in his arm."

Danzo grit his teeth. "Everything I did was for the protection of the vil-"

Sasuke teleported forward and ripped the bandages off of his face and arms, with such ease that it looked like he took a toy from a child. Sasuke glared down at Danzo. "Ten sharingan.... You killed five of my clan members for power?!?! Council!" Sasuke lifted Danzo with gravity manipulation. "I'm taking him and dealing my own punishment. I'll be back."

They both vanished an instant later. Shikaku smirked. "I guess that makes Kakashi the hokage...."

"Yeah, Danzo will probably die and Sasuke is too quick tempered at the moment." Naruto chuckled.

Inoichi Yamanaka spoke. "Naruto why didn't you try for the position?"

"Don't want it, not my thing." Naruto scratched at his cheek. "I'd like to be around more for my future family."

Hinata turned pink in the face. "F-f-family?"

Hiashi didn't say it but he was glad his daughter managed to get a shinobi as powerful as Naruto as a potential husband. Their children would bring incredible power and honor to the Hyuuga.

Sasuke retuned a second later. "Danzo won't trouble anyone from this dimension anymore."

"What'd you do?" Shikaku asked.

Sasuke smirked. "He isn't dead. I took him somewhere where time doesn't reach. He'll never die, but he will remain in isolation. I took him to the Void, the place of nothing. You'd need either my eye, or something extremely similar in ability to get to him."

"I've kept my mouth quiet long enough, I want an execution order placed on Karah Namikaze!" A civilian woman stood angrily.

Naruto went to punch her, even weakened from chakra exhaustion he was still stronger than most jonin. Sasuke caught Naruto's elbow before it made contact but the wind still knocked the woman off her feet.

"And one on this monster as well!" She pointed at Naruto.

"Lady Miyuki, why would you ask that of us?" Shikaku tried to reason.

Sasuke pulled Naruto back further. "Stop, she's not worth it."

"She contains the Nine tailed fox! That should be reason enough, and this creature has inhuman chakra! You all felt his power! No human has that kind of power!" Miyuki cried as Fugaku touched her shoulder.

"I understand, and the Uchiha clan supports this decision." Fugaku surprised everyone just then.

"Father!" Sasuke yelled angrily. "Naruto and Karah have done nothing to earn execution! In fact, Naruto and I just saved the world from being over run by gods from another world!"

Naruto put a hand on Sasuke's shoulder, to reassure his friend that things would work out.

A woman stood. "The Inuzuka also support this decision..."

"As do the Akimichi."

"The Yamanaka do not support this."

"The Nara do not support this troublesome choice."

"All civilian clan heads support the idea."

Hiashi grunted. "The Hyuuga are appalled by this and will not support it."

Fugaku smirked. "Seems we've got the majority vote."

Tears fell from Hinata's eyes, Naruto squeezed her hand.

"I warn all of you. I will not go without a fight. The only one in this room who can fight me on par is Sasuke, and I doubt he would help you do this. If you try to kill me, or harm Karah, I will declare myself a missing nin...and an enemy of Konoha." Naruto's voice was cold and quiet but loud enough to hear.

Hiashi spoke. "Hinata, if that happens...what will you do?"

"I will stay with Naruto no matter what! If he dies, I die too!" Her voice didn't shake or waver as she activated her byakugan.

Hiashi sighed. "I thought so. Naruto...promise me you will protect her."

"Already planned on it Gramps." Naruto grinned at the Hyuuga leader, who offered a small smile back.

Fugaku pointed. "Anbu, kill them."

"Nope." A man with incredible physique and a white mask with a skull like design replied. He dropped the mask to reveal Zabuza Momochi. The other two dropped their masks as well, showing themselves to be Dagura and Haku. "They brought us here. If they leave, we leave."

Fugaku glared, knowing he couldn't fight them. "Very well...from this point on, you're all to be labeled SSS class missing nin with kill on sight orders."

Sasuke glared. "Very well...father..." Then Naruto, Hinata, Zabuza, Haku, and Dagura vanished."

Naruto caught Sasuke as he stumbled. "Wow...too many people...."

They had appeared at Naruto's house. "Big brother?" Naomi asked confused as she stepped outside.

"Get Karah and mom, we've been banished...well, You and mom haven't but I need to get Karah out of here." Naruto called to her.

Changes: NarutoWhere stories live. Discover now