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Raizen grunted against the weight. "If you think I'll let you win, you're wrong!" He flared his telekinetic power, freeing himself and pushing everyone but Naruto and Sasuke back.

"Sasuke. I want to fight him alone, when my father comes back with Hinata's soul you're the only one who can put it back in her body before she dies..." Naruto was glaring at Raizen, his aura settled tightly around his body, it looked different though. Less baggy, much sleeker, the coat part was shorter and stopped just above the hips, the eyes were golden instead of orange, and it seemed like it were much more controlled.

" got it Naruto, but I get to fight the next ancient monster with impossible power levels, got it?" Sasuke asked jokingly.

Naruto nodded and began to float. "You got it."

Raizen also began floating. "So you intend to take me alone? I'll admit I'm not even half my normal power when I'm in a vessel like this, but human is on par with me."

"Do I look human to you? I am the Shinigami!!!" Naruto moved forward with such speed that Sasuke believed he teleported.

Raizen caught his fist with his left hand and placed his right on Naruto's chest, using his momentum against him he hurled Naruto into the canyon wall. "C'mon brat, is that all you've got?"

"HEAVEN'S WRATH!!!!!!" A gigantic beam of gold energy shot from the hole Naruto was in, heading straight for Raizen.

Raizen put up his right hand and the blast looked like it hit a wall just in front of Raizen, exploding in all directions except Raizen's. Raizen breathed out. "That one might've hurt, kid, luckily I'm the strongest telekinetic to ever live."

He didn't see the next part though. The blast had just been a distraction. Naruto came down with an ax kick that sent Raizen into the ground like a meteor, creating a massive crater.

Raizen pushed himself to his feet, wiping the small cut on his forehead. "I'm impressed, I honestly can't remember anyone other than Kaguya or her sons that could hurt me, even if I'm fighting with a handicap."

Naruto and Raizen began an exchange of punches, kicks and blocks, that forced the earth to quake and tremor. Naruto created a sword from his truth seeking balls and forced Raizen on the defensive.

"So that's the game, eh? I call forth my blade of darkness, the Amaterasu. Named after the black flames that burn anything in their path to dust." A black blade with a serrated edge and one handed grip appeared in his hand.

Raizen stepped forward, swinging from left to right. Naruto ducked low, only for Raizen to spin the blade to reverse grip and bring it into a downward stab.

Naruto twisted out of the way but took a shallow cut on his left pectoral muscle.

Raizen grinned at Naruto. "It's different fighting when your opponent is obviously more comfortable with a weapon, isn't it? I've never been much of a brawler, but my sword skills allowed me to kill Kaguya, and they'll allow me to kill you today!"

"Damn you talk a lot..." Naruto and Raizen began fighting again, this time with Raizen having an obvious advantage.

Minato appeared inside a pitch black room with two men standing together and one sitting with his eyes closed.

"You must be Raizen's brothers. I won't waste time trying to fight you if I don't have to. Can you tell me where the soul is that was thrown in here just now?" Minato sounded polite but actually he'd marked the ground beneath his feet with his seal, a trick he'd picked up from his wife.

One of the men stepped forward. He looked considerably younger than the other two, with bright red hair and skin. He looked like a male version of Kushina. The seals on his body were black but looked similar to Raizen's. "Yeah. We were thinking about eating it, haven't eaten any souls since we got locked in here, ya know?"

Minato chuckled lightly, still on high alert against these guys. "You wouldn't happen to be an Uzumaki would you?"

"I used to be. Raizen found me as a kid and raised me as his brother. When I got hurt really bad he turned me, even against his real younger brothers wishes." He replied casually, getting an annoyed scoff.

"Never gonna let me live that down are you? You're the second demigod he ever turned, while he and I are gods, period. Of course I didn't want you around, you weren't really like us." The older one smiled softly. He looked to be in his early twenties with spiky white hair and blood red eyes. His frame was smaller than the one who was sitting but Minato could see quiet confidence that only came from warriors in him. His seals were lime green.

"Could I please have the soul?" Minato asked.

The younger one chuckled. "If you think it's that easy you're either stupid or insane."

"Well I don't think I'm crazy, but considering how I've been with my son til now I'm inclined to think I might be stupid." Minato chuckled then crouched low, readying a rasengan.

The younger one smirked. "Can I fight him Ikigo? Please?"

"Yes, yes. Fight to your hearts content, Skai(pronounced sky)." The older brother stepped back. "You, human...if you beat my brother you can have the soul. It's right here." He pulled a small blue glowing ball from his coat pocket.

Minato glared. "This isn't a game but I'll play along. Who's the strongest of you?"

Ichigo smirked. "Technically I am because Raizen is possessing someone but Raizen is the strongest usually."

Skai shot forward, unable to contain his excitement. Minato blocked a kick only to have Skai spin and have another come to the other side of his face. Minato stepped back, trying to get his bearings but had to deflect inhumanly fast punches.

"For a human you got nice reflexes, mister!" Skai yelled happily.

Minato was struggling to keep up with the young immortal. If he were having this much trouble with the weakest one, then there's no way he could let them have their way...

Minato sidestepped an overextended punch and created a rasengan that he plowed into Skais gut, sending him rocketing back. 'Ill use Hiraishin to catch them off guard!' He thought, throwing a tri-bladed kunai at Ikigo.

Ikigo caught the blade and looked confused. "I'm giving you the opportunity to fight one on one, and you spit in my fa-" BOOM!

Minato had teleported to the kunai and planted a devastating kick, while simultaneously grabbing the soul from the demigod's pocket.

Minato held the soul close as he began sprinting towards the exit. He tried to teleport to one of his daggers on the outside but for some reason his Hiraishin wouldn't activate, he needed to be closer to the portal!

He got stopped twenty feet from the small portal by a searing pain in his right shoulder blade, a golden chain was holding him in place. "D-Dammit...shadow clone jutsu." A clone appeared next to him and grabbed the souls from Minato, then sprinted towards the portal. A second chain with a spike oh the end flew past his right side, only for Minato to grab it, stopping it from destroying his clone.

He smiled slightly when he saw the flash of yellow.

"You little cheat..." Ikigo grabbed Minato by the throat and began punching him with the other arm.

Changes: NarutoWhere stories live. Discover now