Chapter 25

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Niall POV

I woke up with a massive headache the next morning. Note for myself,never drink that much again. My throat felt sore and I had this foul taste in my mouth. I almost felt sorry for Sabine for simply lying next to me. Thinking about her, I stretched out my hand and brushed over the soft skin of her shoulder with my eyes still closed. I shifted closer to her,pressing my arm that was already resting on her waist ,tighter into her skin. I smiled with my eyes still closed until I heard a loud sigh and a voice saying “God morning Niall” that didn’t belonged to her. In shock my eyes flew open to face a familiar girl,her eyes bright blue her skin pale and her hair long and blonde.She was laying completely naked next to me. I could see her bare breasts,breasts I have seen before . Jane.

“Oh my god” I nearly yelled and got out of the bed in shock. Feeling the cold air around my bare body. Oh no no no,this could not happen,no.

“Nice that you remember out little adventure from last night.” She smirked.

” What are you talking about? Why the fuck are you here in my bed where my girlfriend should normally stay.”

“Oh you mean your girlfriend that ran out yesterday,I heard the door slam in the background but it was covered by your loud moans. I bet she isn’t giving you what I can give you. She isn’t good and pretty enough for you.”

“You are a bitch!” I screamed,putting some sweatpants and a t-shirt on so she couldn’t see my naked any more.

“Well you did call me that last night while I rode you so I don’t take that as an insult.” was her sassy reply.My hands curled into fists,this couldn’t be real life.

“Get out if my house!” I yelled while opening the bedroom door for her. “You were the worst mistake I have made in my life, I don’t know what you’re even doing in London but I think that was planned. You are jealous because I love my job and I have a hell lot of money, I have pretty girls screaming my name around the globe yet I still love one girl more than anything,more than someone could ever love you and you used me to hurt her. You used me in a drunk state just to hurt her,to hurt me. I never thought someone could be this cruel. I never ever want to see you again, get out of here. ”

She got dressed and packed her stuff without even looking at me. I was so disappointed, back then I thought she has found someone who loved her,that she has changed.

“What happened to your boyfriend? You were so happy back then.”

She sighed loudly ” It was a bet” her eyes looked sad on the ground but then she looked up again with a fake smile “He didn’t really love me. He and his stupid friends made this fucking bet and he also cheated on me. I never loved someone that much and I never had my heart broken before. It was horrible.”

“I’m sorry, no one deserves that.”

She stood up and cam over to him. ” I know I shouldn’t have done what I have done yesterday. You were so drunk and I used you. I know I can be a big bitch, but now I feel truly sorry that I’ve done that. After I destroyed your relationship you are still nice to me and ask me about my life,I’m so sorry.”

She walked down the stairs,not looking back for one second.

“Hey” Niall shouted after her and she turned around , looking really miserable. “If you see Sabine would you tell her what happened, the truth.”

“Yeah I will” she said without any hesitation.

”I’m sorry things turned out this way,maybe if you change your behaviour you will find someone who treats you right.”

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