Chapter 14

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I didn’t know what to do so I kissed him back. His lips were really soft as they sucked on my lower lip. It felt,other than with Niall,wrong but I didn’t stopped him.Sebastian was a nice guy and he was obviously interested in me since years , there was nothing wrong with kissing him ,was it?After all Niall popped up on my mind ,his gorgeous smile , the beautiful oceanic blue eyes and his messy blonde hair. Kissing Niall was somehow better , it wasn’t about the skills because I wasn’t really good since that was my second ,well third kiss but something about Niall made me smile and that is not there with Sebastian.

When he opened his mouth and tried to slide his tongue in my mouth I pulled away, a teasing smile on my face .He started to blush,it was one of the cutest things ever and I just wanted to give him a big hug. We walked silently downstairs to find a really chaotic living room , I collected my friends and we walked towards the front door. Birta’s mother would drive us home.

Sebastian waited there and held the door opened for us , I was the last one of us girls so I quickly gave him a hug .

“ Have fun while cleaning” I teased,he laughed and gave me a piece of paper. In the car I saw that it was his number so I saved it on my phone.

As I arrived at my grandparents house I went straight to bed. The next day was really relaxing , we did nothing until my friends came over to say goodbye ,tearful story. Around 5 pm we got to the airport ,it wasn’t as hard to leave my grandparents as it was with my girls but it was still tearful , mostly because Sandra started crying and I couldn't hold tears back when she already cries .

Sitting in the plane reminded me of months ago when we moved over to Ireland , it was strange to say that we would go back home,though. Next to me Sandra sleeping. I  turned on the music on my iPod .So much happened , well I would start university and I had some great new loyal friends.

This time I wasn’t afraid to go to Mullingar , I was really happy.

Nialls POV

Liam and Louis entered the room after an hour,both had happy smiles on their faces. Harry and I just made some funny photos with Zayn ,who was fast asleep. When they came in Harry went silent and watched them curiously .Louis pulled Harry in a quick hug and I watched at Liam and asked him if everything is alright again , when he nodded I let out a sigh of relief and smiled wide.Zayn was a snorer , it was unbelievable loud to be in the same room with him when he’s asleep.

The boys sat down again and we talked like nothing happened , our topics were really random , Louis and Liam acted like their little argument was forgotten.I laughed out loud at a funny thing Louis did with Harry,Liam ruffled Lou’s hair and Harry tried to get out of Lou’s squeeze. Suddenly Zayn stopped snoring and sleepily said “ VAS HAPPENIN BOYS????” I started to laugh even more and couldn’t handle myself , laying on the floor .All the other boys had to laugh too , there wasn’t even a main reason , Zayn was really hilarious with his fake accent ,always good for a laugh.

“Let’s get some food ,I’m already starving” I said after I calmed down.

“What a surprise “Harry rolled his eyes.

We decided to go down to the beach after breakfast,I would bring my guitar and then we would practice a bit .It was sunny as the last day and we felt somehow closer than ever.

We did the same even at the day we needed so sing in front of Simon. That day was different!

Like usual we went to the beach,practiced Torn,swam and messed around when Louis face suddenly went pale while swimming. He started to moan in pain when he grabbed Liam’s shoulder . Liam looked worried and talked to Lou but I couldn’t understand it. Harry was also closer to them and went to Lou’s other side. They helped him to get out of the water,his foot was bleeding and already swollen , it looked painful but he had a small smile on his face.

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