7. Surprises

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"No way Ben did that." Tao sipped from his tea. "He's like a year older than you, yet he's dumb?" both of them started laughing.

Charlie shrugged and layer on his back. "I didn't think Ben was still after us after all this time."

"Yeah, it's embarrassing."

The bedroom door opened and Elle entered with cups of tea. "Who wants more?"

"Thanks, love you." Tao kissed Elle and took the cups of tea. Tap looked at Elle for approval and then at Charlie. "We want to tell you something but Elle insists Nick should be here too."

"Yeah because it's something I want everyone to know about." Elle said.

Charlie took out his phone and dialled his number.


Nick put down his bag and took his coat off. "Okay, what's the news?"

Elle and Tao looked at each other in happiness. "We're going to adopt a child!"

Charlie looked in confusion. "But you have a child already. Why would you want another?"

Nick and Elle snorted. Tao face palmed. "A human child, Charlie, not a dog."

"Oooh." Nick was next to him, unable to stop laughing. Charlie hit him in the ribs. "Nick! Stop laughing!"

Nick was rolling on the bed from laughter. "I- I'm sorry, you're just- you're precious." Charlie blushed. Nick sat straight and took Charlie's face. "You're adorable." He kissed Charlie on the lips.

"Do you want some privacy?"


Nick mocked Tao and looked at his watch. "Oh, we gotta go. We promised my mum we'd go to a dinner party at her house."

Charlie groaned. "Do we have to?"

"Charlie, you know my mum will be upset if we don't go."

Charlie sighed. "I can't eat in front of people. It makes me stressful."

Nick took Charlie's hand and smiled. "We'll find a way. And if you're really not okay, we'll go home. But at least try."

Tao and Elle looked at each other. They too wanted to help Charlie, but had no idea how. Charlie's eating disorder became worse when Charlie was stressed and then it always followed up with Charlie having a self harm relapse. He couldn't control it which made Charlie anxious most of the time.

Geoff didn't know what to do. Nick didn't know what to do. And that made Charlie feel like he was alone on this world.

"Charlie, you didn't tell Nick what happened on your way here."

Nick looked at Charlie, worried. "What? What happened? Did you have an accident?"

Charlie smiled. "I bumped into Ben."


Charlie smiled and held Nick's hands. "Nothing bad happened. He tried to manipulate me that i haven't been better with my eating disorder and that i'm pathetic but I just told him off."

Nick looked at Charlie and smiled in tears. "Charlie!! I'm so proud of you!"

Charlie smiled. "Yeah, he needed to know he can't mess with my life anymore."

Nick looked at the clock on the wall and then back at Charlie. He sighed and took his coat. "Okay, I think we're going to Nick's mum's dinner party. This is gonna be fun." Charlie said sarcastic.

"Okay cmon, it's gonna be okay. If it's too much, we can leave, my mum would understand."

Charlie smiled and they both left. They arrived at her house and knocked.

The door opened and Sarah opened. "Nick! Charlie! Enter!"

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