10: The End

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They got to the hospital and the paramedics got out. They rushed into the hospital with Nick behind them trying to keep up.

Eleonor stopped in front of a room and turned to Nick. "I didn't get your name."

"My name's Nicholas Nelson. but you can call me Nick."

Eleonor smiled. "Nick, you have to wait outside. We're trying to resuscitate him and try to save him, but you have to wait in the waiting area. I'm sorry." Nick nodded and went to sit in the waiting area. He called the Paris gang to come to the hospital and they all appeared in a span of a few minutes.

Darcy sat on a chair and gave a flower bouquet to Nick. "Here, felt like you needed some cheering up."

Nick smiled. "Thank you Darcy. Thank you all for being here."

Darcy smiled. "Of course. I know the feeling. The night Tara died, I thought that life was not worth living but you all were by my side. I hope you know we're all here for Charlie and for him to get better."

Nick put a hand on Darcy's shoulder. "How are you coping with her death? It's been a year? Since Tara died?"

Darcy nodded. "Yeah, it's been hard you know. I wake up every day without her by my side. But then I know that I should live for her. I know she's smiling from heaven." Darcy said, smiling. A tear rolled down her cheek. Nick hugged her and Darcy started sobbing in his chest.

After a few minutes she stopped and chuckled. "Charlie wasn't lying when he said your chest is the best place to cry on."

Nick chuckled. "He said that?"

Darcy nodded. The door opened and Eleonor came out. "Nicholas Nelson?" Nick ran over to Eleonor hoping for good news. He wasn't ready for Charlie to be gone. Eleonor smiled. "We've managed to wake him. I presume you want to see him?"

"Uh yeah!" Nick ran into the room and saw a living Charlie. Nick burst into tears. "Oh my god you're really alive!"

Charlie didn't said a word. He looked around trying to comprehend where he was. "Where am I?"

"The hospital-" Nick said confused. "But I don't see why it's relevant-"

"So it didn't work?"


"My attempt? It didn't work?" Nick stood up, looking at him in disbelief. "Charlie! What even! Why did you want it to work?"

"Because then I don't need to live this miserable life."

Nick threw the flowers on the floor. "I am fucking done." He marched out of the room, back to the waiting room. "If no one wants to see Charlie, then I request we leave this instant."

"What happened in there?"

"He's an ungrateful little-"

"Don't finish that sentence. Let me talk to him." Darcy said smiling. She walked up to Eleonor and asked to see him, since she were friends. She entered the room and sat on a chair next to Charlies bed. "Hi Charlie."

Charlie turned his head and smiled. "Darcy!"

Darcy smiled and took Charlie's hand. "Okay, tell me, why did you want your attempt to work?"

"I just feel like I disappoint everyone and that I'm an annoyance to Nick."

"But you're not Charlie. He raced through the streets trying to find you and he brought you to the hospital because he didn't want you to die. He feels responsible that you tried to commit."

Charlie looked at Darcy in tears. "He- he did?"

Darcy smiled. "Yes Charlie. Why do you think you two are married for 5 years? It's because that golden retriever loves you lots!"

"Oh my god I need to apologize. I'm not allowed yet to leave the bed. Can you bring him?"

Darcy nodded and ran outside and saw Nick still there. "Thank god, you're still here. He wants to talk to you."

Nick sighed annoyingly and walked into Charlie's room. "What do you want?"

"I'm sorry. I didn't think clearly. I thought that after I ran away, you wouldn't want to do anything with me. I just felt so alone. Tao and Elle couldn't understand and I've felt suicidal for a while now."

"And you thought that was the best option? And what was even the deal with that random guy who sounded like you?"

"I gave him a recording of me because I knew Tao would tell you. I just didn't think you loved me enough to save me."

"Charlie, we've been over this. We are married. I love you. I genuinely love you. I didn't want you to die. As you can see, I have red eyes because I thought you were dying. Please, keep in mind that I fucking love you and that I don't want you to die. At all. I love you with my whole being."

Charlie started tearing up. "I want to kiss you so badly."

Nick smiled. He kneeled next to his bed, grabbed Charlies head and kissed him. When he looked at Charlie he was smiling.

Eleonor entered the room. "Okay lovebirds, time to leave. Charlie needs to rest. You can visit him tomorrow."

Nick waved at Charlie and walked out of the room smiling. The rest were waiting on him. "Okay, now we're ready to go."

"Ooh, you're smiling."

Tao rolled his eyes. "You can clearly see they kissed. Now can we leave? I don't like hospitals."

Elle chuckled and gave Tao a kiss. "You in a better mood?"

Tao blushed and Nick chuckled. Tao darted a glance at Nick. "Oh shut up. Like you never blush whenever you're around Charlie."

They all decided to leave. Nick was much happier and he would visit Charlie the moment he woke up.

Life got better now he knew that Charlie was alive and well.

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