Blood Transfusions and Confusions

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Luke's P.O.V.

I called... Aleshia. I can't trust Calum anymore not after all those rude things he said. I am being released from the hospital today. When I get out im immeadtly going to meet Aleshia at Starbucks. I just have to wait for my mom to come with my clothes and drop me off at Starbucks to meet up with Aleshia. Soon I fall asleep waiting. I woke up about 45 minutes later to mom shaking me. "Wake up sweetie. Your allowed to go home so I'm here to pick you up and take you home. M'mkay?" She said. I nodded. "Okay mum but first can you take me to Starbucks? I have to meet up with someone. It can't wait it's really important and urgent." I said. She nodded and we walked to the car. We drove in silence until we got to Starbucks. "OK so are you sure that you brought everything. Pengi? Your clothes? Your phone? Everything?" She kept asking qurstions. "Yes mom I have everything. I'll be fine. I'll text you if I need anything." I calmed her down. She nodded and we gave each other a kiss on the cheek. I got out of the car and Aleshia was there sitting at a table with two coffees. She took a sip out of one. I walked over to her. "Hey Luke!" She said greeting me. Her face immeadtly brightened when she saw me. "Hey!" I replied just as cheerfully. She got up and we hugged. "So what do you need? Oh and that one is yours." She said pointing to a coffee. "Thanks, and um well. I was wondering. If you would come with me to the hospitial, because my girlfriend well she fainted and hit her head really hard and now she needs a blood transfusion." I asked hoping that she will come. "Oh, of course Luke! Anything you need, just know that you can trust me." She said. I breathed a sigh of relief I didn't know I was holding. I got up and hugged her tightly. "Thank you. Thank you so much." I whispered in her ear with tears running down my face. She nodded. "Anytime. Shh, just call me and ask and I'll be there." She comforted me rubbing my back. As soon as we pulled away I heard snaps. Oh no. Please don't let that be the paparazzi. "Luke! Luke! Are you and Ariana still together?!? Are you cheating with Aleshia McDonald, your ex girlfriend?!?!?" They threw questions at us. "No! Aleshia and I are just friends. Ariana and I are still together. Ariana fell and she hit her head very hard. It started gushing out blood and I called the police and they rushed her to the hospital. She needs a blood transfusion but she is stable right now. Aleshia, has the same blood type as Ariana, and she was willing enough to donate blood, instead of putting her on a long waiting list for some blood. Do you have any more questions?" I asked cool and collected. They said no and let us go to the hospitial. When Aleshia saw Ariana she freaked out as soon as she realised that Ariana Grande was my girlfriend. "Wait! So im donating blood to my idol, and my inspiration a.k.a your girlfriend, Ariana Grande?" She asked keeping her cool. "OK Aleshia stay calm, but yes you are donating blood to my girlfriend the famous Ariana Grande." I explained to her. She nodded arena got herself cleaned up and donates some blood. She was given an apple juice and a cookie to make her better. She had just finished her apple juice and started chewing on her cookie when the doctor came out and said that Ariana was not given a blood transfusion because somehow Aleshia's blood was missing. So she donated another pint and the blood transfusion went safely and I went home to shower and get some sleep since Aleshia wouldn't let me back in the room she said I needed some sleep. So we both went home and I went to sleep after having a shower. It was around 3 am when I got a call from the hospitial. "Hello?" I awnsered sleepily. "Hello. This is Australia Memorial Hospitial. Is this Luke Hemmings?" "Yes it is." "Well. We are sorry to inform you that the blood transfusion was carried out succesfully, but..." I cut her off. "That's great news! Wait but, but what?" I asked. "She's missing. Her body is gone. All her belongings are still here except for her cell phone. It is believed that she woke up and heard footsteps so she quickly grabbed her phone and faked being asleep. The abductor knew she was awake though and drugged her causing her to pass out and easily be dragged out and abducted without any of the staff seeing." She explained. I let it all sinking and said thank you and hung up. I threw my phone at the wall. I got up and got dressed and called Aleshia and my mom and told them to meet me at the hospitial.

Ariana's P.O.V.

I woke up with my feet tied to a chair and my hands tied behind my back. There was a rag stuffed in my mouth so I couldn't scream. I tried to spit it out and scream but it heard footsteps and screamed louder. Soon a male figure appeared in front of me. "Hello Ariana. I am Calum but you will only refer to me as master. Now it nm going to untie your hands and take the rag out of your mouth." You better not scream or else you will be burned with a lighter, I will cut your hair, and other things." He said. I whimpered and nodded. He did as he said and i didn't scream I just whimpered and looked up at him with sad eyes. "Good girl." He said. "Now we're gonna have some fun when I get back you better be undressed and on all fours in that chair." He said and left locking the door behind him leaving me trapped in the basement with not doors or windows.

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