I was tagged by Luke_MyRenegade I would tag people but I barley know people on here and it's like 2 am while I'm writing this so I'm lazy 😂
1. Yup
2. Idrk
3. Amon 🙄😱😑
4. Single as a Pringles
5. My best friend since I was little
6. I can't remember... 😂 probably something from Shrek or Grease Live
7. 23% and counting
8. That I have met: Alissa On Wattpad: off Luke_MyRenegade
9. Dom Or Nick
10. Me and all the guys I like 😍❤️
11. I wanted to read books without always being asked to sign up 😂
12. Default (For an iPhone se I recently got it and I'm too lazy to change it 😂 and its so pretty 😍)
13. July 6 😋🎉
PS if your still reading this I'm working on a new chapter for you babes and I hope to have it out by next week but don't forget to go vote and comment on my Riker Lynch story and I will update asap on there once I see we have reached the number of votes and comments I put at the end of the last chapter. Love you all ❤️