Sky's the Limit, Part 01

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Yuma was running to where he and Trey were supposed to Duel when he heard Astral speak up. "Yuma?"


"Are you sure this is a good idea?"

Yuma stopped for a moment, deciding to hear his partner's concern first. "Trey is convinced that you stand in the way of his family's plans, that belief will make him quite difficult to defeat!"

Yuma sighs, before speaking calmly this time when he would usually get angry. "I know that, Astral! But I also know he's better than he pretends to be, that's why I have to Duel him... The only way I can really learn what's in Trey's heart is to accept his challenge, that's a fact!"

Astral knew Yuma had a point and that talking him out of this Duel would be pointless. "Indeed, I concede your point. On the other hand, you have only collected Four Heart Pieces so far. You will not advance in the tournament unless you win this Duel!"

Suddenly, they heard a familiar voice call out to them. "Yuma!"

They saw Tori, Bronk, Cathy, Flip, and Casewell, who still had his arm in an orange sling since it was still healing after his Duel with Quattro were running to catch up with them! Yuma was overjoyed at seeing his friends to come cheer him on! "Hey, guys! You came for the Duel?"

"We wouldn't miss it!"

"That's right, there's a lot riding on this match-up!"

"Yeah, we'll have to cheer you on to victory!"

"Or offer our friendly support when you go down in flames!"

Yuma didn't find that funny at all! "Gnnaahh! You guys really think I could tonight, don't ya?"

"It was a joke! We all have confidence in you."

"We know you'll win... For sure!"

Yuma gasped with tears in his eyes for a moment before Bronk and the girls voiced their agreement. "Trey may have lots of cool cards, and some tricky moves, but in our book; you're numero Uno!"

"I agree!"

"That goes for me too!"

Yuma smiled, glad he had the support of his friends with him. "Thanks, guys... I will win this thing!"


"Now let's go!"

"Last one there's a broken litter-bot!"

Astral smiled at Yuma and his friends, knowing how lucky he is... At Vetrix's mansion, he and Quinton were gazing at the sun setting. Vetrix noticed his eldest son's concerned face, worried for Trey's wellbeing. "What's wrong, Quinton? You seem worried."

"That Envoy from Astral World may be more powerful than you realize!"

"Don't trouble yourself, Trey's triumph is assured!"

His mind flashes back to when he gave Trey some of his powers to defeat Yuma. It was the same ritual that he performed on Hart earlier; like with Hart, it was really painful! As Vetrix laughed at the ritual being performed, Quinton turned away unable to see his little brother in such pain!

"The procedure was gruelling, but Trey's power has increased significantly!"

"But will it be enough to defeat Yuma?"

Vetrix laughed, knowing that Yuma and Astral don't stand a chance! Meanwhile, Trey was facing the sunset when Yuma finally arrived! "Hope I didn't keep you waiting too long!"

"You'll wish you never came here at all once you've seen the new power that I've acquired!"

Yuma narrows his eyes; he and Astral knew that this Duel won't be easy! "(GROANS)"

Yugioh Zexal Au Book One: World Duel Carnival PreliminariesWhere stories live. Discover now