104th Cadet Corp

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The day the three had awaited had finally arrived. They were now officially members of the 104th Cadet Corp standing in the training field. Currently the head instructor, Commandant Kieth Shadis, was going up to some of the cadets making them introduce themselves. Elias didn't really pay attention to any of them or why they were there as it didn't affect him. The same with Noah and Mia. The three of them got separated when they were told what row and column to stand in attention in. While even though he wasn't paying attention some names stood out to him. Armin Arlert was one of the people who survived Shinganshina. It took Noah a second to realize Armin was a guy almost causing him to choke on his own breath. This only got him shouted at by Shadis.

"The hell are you struggling with, maggot! Who the hell are you?" Shadis was now infront of Noah shouting at him,causing him to regain his composure and salute. "Noah Frien, Trost District sir," Noah spoke with an uninterested tone causing Shadis to only shout more. "Is there something bothering you Frien!? Does this need to be more interesting for you!?" Noah straightened himself out more before taking a more serious tone, "No, sir!" Shadis now got closer to his face still shouting at him. "Now tell me why you're here, Frien!" "To join the Scout Regiment and go outside the walls to beat the titans, sir!" "Good! you'll make a good chew toy for them out there," Shadis finished shouting at him and grabbed his head turning him before shouting once more, "Row three, about face!"

Meanwhile Elias watched his surroundings while standing at attention. One thing that stood out were two other soldiers walking along the outside of the field watching the Commandant shout at the kids. But mostly he was looking at the cadets in the rows that were turned so he could see their faces. He was looking at the third row now. Noah, seeing Elias looking gave him a nod which Elias gave one back. Some more names that stood out to him somewhat were people named Thomas, Mina and now, Jean Kirschstein. Just from looking at him Elias felt sick. "Guy doesn't even look human. What was that animal Noah talked about that the Scouts use? A horse?" He thought to himself while now giving his full attention to the guy.

Shadis now standing over Jean started to yell at him, "Who are you?!" Without hesitation Jean saluted and responding to the commandant, "Jean Kirschstein, from Trost!" "What are you doing here?!" Before answering Jean hesitated for a moment before answering the commandant. "Joining the Military Police for a life deep within the walls." Shadis looking at Jean seemed almost disappointed with his answer. "Oh, I see... you want access to the Interior?" The way he spoke to him further showed his disappointment with the answer. Jean, not catching this, smiled and replied. "Yes!"

Right before Jean could say anything else Shadis head butted causing him to fall to his knees holding his head. "Who said you could sit down?! Anyone who can't handle this will never make it into the Military Police!" The Commandant shouted at him before walking off to the next person. Elias zoned out again but still listened to the names of the people that were chosen, well some anyways. His thoughts mainly dwelled on that day three months ago. The sight of the bloody room he had been forced to be called home, his younger brother, his world, in the middle of it, taken away from him . Ever since that day Noah and Mia have always been worried about how he changed. He already rarely talked but now it was almost impossible to get him to say a sentence. At most it was one or two worded responses.

More names came through his ears as he just watched his surroundings and the people. Marco, Nicole, Han. Finally one short bald kid caught Elias's attention. He didn't really pay that much attention other than the kid getting the salute wrong. "Wait, did he say Springer or Spronger? Eh whatever doesn't matter," he continued to think to himself while the scene played out in front of him. As he was looking forward Mia was standing just a few rows behind him next to another girl with brown hair. Mia was watching Elias with concern while Noah in the third row did the same. She would've had control but a crunch caught her attention. She looked over to her right and saw that the girl she was next to was eating a potato. Before she could say anything the commandant spoke up from where he stood dropping Connie. "Hey, you... What are you doing?" The girl didn't respond and just took another bite.

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