Battle for Trost Part 2

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On a roof somewhere in the city dozens of cadets were sitting around in silence or held small conversations on what to do. Some were considering giving up while others were thinking of ways to keep going or motivate the others.

"Hey Jean. What're we gonna do?" Connie turned to Jean who was sitting with his arms over his knees and his head slumped down. "We can't do anything." Jean said as he looked up putting his hand on his head "They finally gave us the order to withdraw. And we were all out of gas, of course. I can't believe this is how it's going to end. Because of those damned cowards!"

"Y 'mean the supply depot? What is going on? Where are they?" Connie shouted, turning to Jean who took his hand off of his head. "They all lost their will to fight. And I can understand why. But they abandoned their duty to supply us, barricading themselves inside of HQ. And of course, titans have swarmed the place, which means we can't get the gas ourselves."

"Then why're we waitin'!? We gotta go! Start thinning their numbers when we have a chance! Sitting here on this roof is totally pointless! Eventually the titans are gonna come for us. We don't have much gas left. We'll just waste what little we've got if we try to run. And without our mobility, we're completely screwed!" Connie shouted as he tapped on his tank to show that both of his tanks were nearly empty and might as well have been running on fumes.

Jean looked up at him with his emotion completely drained from his face. "You're using your head for once, Connie. Nice going" He said as he now looked to the side facing the other roofs looking at all the other cadets. All of them were either slumped down on a roof or just looking down at the ground. None of them were ready to face the titans even if they had just finished their training. "But I'm just not sure if we've got the numbers needed to pull this thing off. The veterans in the vanguard force have all been killed. How, exactly do a bunch of rookies pull off a suicide mission like this? I mean, let's assume half of our force even survives the initial assault. Then what? The supply room is probably crawling with titans in the three or four meter range. I don't see us accomplishing much in there."

After Jean finished Connie's face dropped with realization. "It's hopeless." Jean sighed as he looked back down and held his head. "God, what a dull life this turned out to be. I never even gotta tell her just how I feel."

Meanwhile on another roof Sasha was trying to motivate her fellow cadets. "C'mon guys, we can do it! Right? Let's go. If we all work together, we can make this happen, I know we can! All right? I'll take the lead!" The cadets she spoke to stood silent still shell shocked from seeing their friends get eaten in front of them and one even having blood on their face.

Sasha let out a sigh as she looked down and around. Eventually she saw Armin sitting alone perched up by a chimney. She ran over to him to try and get him up. "Armin! It's time to go." His eyes just hung open stuck in shock after experiencing the battle. Sasha let out another sigh ready to give up

"Reiner. Do we move out?" Annie asked, looking up at him. "Not yet. We have to let them gather up first" He responded looking down at her before looking over at Marco as he spoke. "It's no use. There's too many of them. I don't think any of us are going to survive this. I've come to accept my pending demise. I just...wanted my death to mean something.

Mia landed on the roof walking up to Annie who turned to look at her. "Oh Mia you're here. Are Elias and Noah with you?" "I was just going to ask if you've seen them. I was put into a separate squad from them" Mia responded to her. Before either of them could say anything else another voice called to them. "Annie! Mia!"

The two turned to see Mikasa running up to them. "Mikasa? Weren't you with the rear guard?" Mia asked as she stopped in front of the two. "I was but I know how bad things got up here. It's selfish. Putting personal matters in the forefront, but have you seen Eren's squad?"

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