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Elias was flying through Trost with a squad of Scouts. "Section Commander, why is a Cadet here? Shouldn't he be withdrawing with the rest?" A skinny man asked, looking over at the Section Commander. "Relax, Moblit. Levi said we could use him so he's going to help us make some new friends!" The Scout, now known as the Section Commander.

"Wait, are we really letting a Cadet join in a capture mission!?" A girl with red hair shouted at the Section Commander. "Don't worry so much Nifa. I watched him save that shortie's life from a titan that was charging at him before" The Section Commander said as they fully turned themselves around looking at the girl.

"Didn't the Captain say he could've killed it himself?" Elias asked, looking at the section commander. "Oh, he was just saying that. I know you saved him, he just won't admit it" They said before turning back around shooting their hooks into a tower to go higher. "Found one! A four meter! He's coming home with us! Moblit, Nifa, get the equipment ready!"

"Yes, Section Commander!"

"On it!"

The skinny man and girl with red hair broke off from the squad leaving Elias with the Section Commander, a man with glasses and a tall bald man. "Abel, tell the Cadet what to do!" The Section Commander shouted back. The man with glasses pulled back and stopped next to Elias, flying next to him. "Alright, Cadet. Me and you need to slash the titans legs out to immobilize it. The Section Commander and Alec will take out its arms so it can't free itself. Then after that, Nifa and Moblit will drop the spiked net on it and then it'll be ours" The man, now known as Abel, told Elias.

"Right, let's do it," Elias said, nodding at him. Elias and Abel flew behind the titan while the section commander and Alec came down in front of the titan. The Scouts in front of the titan swung down, slashing the titans muscles near the top of its arms to disable them. "Alright, now" Abel said as he shot towards the titan with Elias following him shortly after. The two of them slashed the titans legs causing it to drop to its knees before falling down on its face.

"Moblit, Nifa! Now!" The Section Commander shouted out. The two Scouts who pulled away before landed on a roof and dropped a net onto the downed titan. "Titan secured, Hange!" Nifa shouted up to the Section Commander who was perched on a tower.

"Yes!" Let's try to get one more than we can wipe out the rest!" The Section Commander, now known as Hange, shouted down to Elias and the other scouts in the squad. Hange shot off from the tower followed by the rest of the Scouts and Elias. "To make things easier, we'll capture the next one we find so that way we can move onto the elimination operation" Hange said as they flew slightly above the rooftops.

"Yes, Section Commander" Moblit responded as he flew not far behind Hange. Alec pulled himself up next to Elias looking over at him. "So Cadet, how many kills have you racked up so far?" He asked him, causing Nifa to groan. "Are you really asking him that, Alec? I don't think he had time to keep track of his kills. Imagine how scared he must've been, he's still a Cadet" She scolded him as she flew on the other side of Elias.

"It's fine, ma'am," Elias said, looking over at her. "You can just call me, Nifa" She interrupted him before he could continue. "Right, Nifa. Sorry. But it's fine really and I think I have a good idea on my kills" Elias continued before looking over at Alec. "Well, how many?"

"As of right now I think I'm at fifteen or sixteen, I started to lose track after I woke up" He said looking at Alec. "Wait, what do you mean woke up?" Alec questioned him before Nifa shouted. "Wait, you're bleeding!" Elias looked down at his side to see his hoodie stained with more blood than before, the bandage covering his wound slightly visible through the hole left in it.

"Ah shit, forgot that it reopened" He said looking down at it. "Section Commander! The Cadet's injured, he shouldn't be fighting right now!" Alec shouted out to Hange. "Wait, what!?" They shouted, looking back at the three. "How bad is the wound?" Moblit asked, looking back. "Lets land for now to look at it" He continued.

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