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"All Right. Shall We begin?" The old man at the bench spoke up after he sat down and was settled in for the trial. He cleared his throat and adjusted his glasses to read the papers in front of him that he had now picked up. "Your name is Eren Jaeger. And as a soldier, you have sworn to give up your life when called to, for the good of the people. Is that correct?"

Eren, who was on the small pedestal in the center, looked up at the man with wide eyes. "Yes." "As an enlisted soldier during a time of war, military doctrine demands your tribunal be held as a court-martial" The man continued after Eren responded, "As Commander of our armed forces, this matter is left to my discretion. Thus, I will decide whether you live or die. Any objections?"

Eren looked down to the floor knowing he had no option but to cooperate. "No, sir." "Your astuteness is appreciated. Let us proceed." Two Scouts walked in behind the rest and joined the ranks. One of them stood out to Elias. "Wait, that's the Section Commander. Didn't think they'd be here for this" He thought to himself as the man continued speaking over the crowd. He didn't pay attention for much but caught back on right as each side's statements were about to be given.

"To begin. The Military Police will now present their case" The old man said before one of the MP's near the center of the stands spoke up. "Thank you. My name is Nile Dawk. I am Commander of the Military Police. Our recommendation, following a thorough examination of his physiology, subject Eren Jaeger should be disposed of immediately" The man spoke looking at the older man before turning to Eren and continuing. "We acknowledge that Jaeger's ability played a part in turning back the latest titan incursion. However, as has been stated, his mere existence is creating a swell of rebellious sentiment. For the greater good, after we have gathered all the information that we can from him, we would see him made a fallen warrior of humanity."

Not long after the statement a man shouted out. "Unacceptable!" The man who spoke out was right next to the commander and was wearing a black robe with three gold bands each having a symbol of one of the walls. "This verminous fiend has defiled the mighty Wall..." Elias tuned him out and began thinking to himself. "The hell is with this guy? Looks like a cultist dressed like that. Then add all the shit he's spewing about the walls. Yeah, that's a cultist."

"And now I'd like to hear the Scout Regiments proposed plan" The old man spoke up again shortly followed by a tall blonde man over on the Scouts side. "Yes, sir. As the Commander of the Survey Corp, I, Erwin Smith, propose the following: Let Eren join our ranks. Reinstate him as a full member of the Scouts, and we will utilize his titan ability to retake Wall Maria. That is all."

Whispering broke out among the citizens watching the trial, many of whom were people who heard about the titan that helped save Trost. "Hm? Is that it?" The old man asked the Commander. "Yes. With his assistance, sir, I'm certain we can reclaim Wall Maria. Ergo, I believe our top priority is perfectly clear" Erwin responded to him. "Quite bold. Assuming you were given clearance, where do you plan to launch this operation from?" The old man asked before looking over towards the Garrison section. "Commander Pyxis. The wall in Trost District has been completely sealed, is that correct?"

"Yes. I doubt its gate will ever open again" Pyxis replied looking up at him before Erwin spoke up. "We'll depart from Calaneth District, to the east. From there, we'll make for Shinganshina. A new route can be established as we proceed." "But that's ridiculous! Our time and money would be better spent sealing up all the gates! They're the only parts of The Wall that the Colossal titan can break, right? Let's reinforce the blasted things and wash our hands of the entire affair!" A man spoke out interrupting Erwin from saying anything else.

"Shut your mouth, you spineless merchant dog! With a titan on our side, we can finally return to Wall Maria!" A Scout shouted at the man who shouted back at him. "We can't afford any more of your childish antics or your delusions of grandeur!"

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