Somethings Off

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When Devon and his crew pulled up to the place, he wasn't expecting a palace but it was so much worse than he imagined.

The place looked seconds away from falling to pieces, the second you step inside the temperature drops 30 degrees, and something about the place is very off putting.

It's like you could feel eyes on you but there was no one looking. Devon was a strong believer that ghosts were all a lie and he intended to keep it like that.

He wasn't going to let a few bugs spook him into thinking that ghosts were actually real.

When they went in to set up the camera equipment Devon thought Jason and Mal were just fucking around.

But then Devon felt it for himself. An ice cold grip grabbed his wrist for just a split second.

The man did his best to brush it off but the shock of that cold hand never went away.

It eventually warmed up a bit inside and it was time to set up before night filming.

After much debate, mostly yelling, they decided to sleep outside. It was warmer and . . . Well. . . Cleaner.

When they went outside to set up a few tents, Devon found a book in the wet grass.

The pages were yellow and it looked like some sort of rodent had eaten through a part of the cover.

Devon didn't dare touch it and instead moved his tent a bit to the left, farther from the book and the abandoned building.

His friends goofed off but fearful anticipation hung thick in the night air.

"Ok a couple of us go to the second floor and some stay down here." Devon instructed to his friends.

"Nah man, that's how you get killed one by one." Kyle said shaking his head.

"Just go film shit, Kyle. Act scared, surprised, whatever. Just get good content." Devon waved them off.

"Mal and Steph are coming with me to the second floor. The rest of you stay on the first floor."

And they were off, everyone holding flashlights, dressed in black, and ready to "catch some ghosts".

Steph held the pink spiny thing to tell us if they're close. And Mal had the stupid backpack on him.

Deven refused to wear any of that stuff claiming it was stupid and useless.

They took the creaky stairs up to the second floor and Devon swears a cold breeze blew in the hall.

They walked down horribly chipped tile floors and took wary glances at the doors, some closed, some open.

"Yo, guys, this thing is going mental," Steph said with a laugh as he stared wide eyed at the wildly spinning pink prongs.

"Just pick a room." Devon commented lazily as he adjusted the handheld camera he had.

"Lets go in here." Mal said as he gentally kicked open the decaying wood of the door, handle rusted to hell and back.

They all walked in lacking grace of any kind, and looked around in shock and discust. A room couldn't naturally be so dirty, someone had been here.

A pile of eye glasses sat on a side table, clearly on its last legs. The pillows on the bed were clearly home to a family tree worth of spiders.

The room got noticably colder when they walked towards the bed, soft breezes of movement when everyone stood still.

"Mate. . . its so cold in here. Like I swear the tempature range in this place is crazy." Sheph said, looking around the anchent hospital room.

Devon lifted his camera to get the shot of Steph saying that and then they spent the next fifteen minutes wondering around getting the room on video.

It got so cold at one point that they had to leave. It was like they were surrounded by ice bocks that followed their every move.

At one point as they walked the hall, Mals foot broke through the thin wooden floor. After he got it out of the broken floor, he abrouptly fell to the floor.

"What the hell Steph, don't shove me, you ass." Mal scowled and Devon just made sure everything was recording properly.

"Dude, I didn't! Devon, back me up here." Devon looked up after hearing Stephs words and shrugged.

"Seems like something you would do."

"Oh fuck off." Steph waved him off.

They kept walking but Mal wouldn't stop fiddling with the back of his shirt. Devon was starting to get annoyed with his constant shifting.

"Dude, just walk!"

"I swear the back of my shirt is wet." Mal defended himself. And sure enough there was a muddy handprint on his shoulderblades.

"Thats nasty. . . Steph you actually touched something in this shithole?" Devon aqused.

"What are you talking about, my hands are clean. Literally and medephorically!" Steph threw his hands up to prove their cleanliness.

"This place is so weird." Mal complained and Devon laughed at him, pointing the camera in his directon.

"Lets hurry this up, grab some props to stage around and get your cuts for the video." Devon said, handing out random items.

"Nah mate, I'm not spliting up in this place." Mal shook his head like a six year old.

"Fine, you and Steph do what you want, just get content." Devon waved them away and started down the hall to a random door.

When he walked in it looked very similar to the first room, creepy, gross, and creepy. But instead of pairs of different glasses, there was just some change and candles.

Devon walked over to take a closer look, picking up a roughed up box of matches and striked one against the box.

Devon was supprised is worked, and lit the candles. They were used so other visiters had gone here too. It looked like one had left some pocket change.

Then, seemingly out of no where, the door snapped closed. Devon was stuck between freaking out or keeping the footage steady.

And then the candles went out, no wind, just that always lurking still coldness in the air. Devons heart rate picked up. Ghosts were a myth.


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