Back Me Up

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The Uber to the airport a few days later was quiet and tense, no one wanting to talk first.

"So what now?" Mal cracked first, starting the conversation they both knew would have to happen at some point.

"What do you mean?"Devon questioned lightly, turning his body to fully face Mal.

"I- Just, I want what's best for you. Are you just gonna keep going back every two months forever? Never get married or have kids? Hide this from everyone?" Mal gestured around with his hands as he finished.

"I- I don't know." Another layer of thick still silence fell over the car as the pair got lost in their own thoughts. Devon knew Mal was somewhat right but he didn't have any answers for himself.

"What if I told our friends?" Devon said a moment later, blurting it out without thinking it through.

"That'll go well." Mal said sarcasticly with an eyeroll and scoff. Devon didn't appriciate the unsupportive tone Mal was using.

Devon wasn't sure what Mal's problem was. He got that Mal wasn't thrilled that Devon was ready commit only for it to be a ghost but Devon expected his friend to be happy for him.

"What's your issue?" Devon asked, letting too much of his annoyance into his tone.

"My issue is that I want to see you happy. Are you really happy with a ghost who doesn't even seem to understand what you want with him?" Mal was starting to get visably angry.

"Yes!" Devon yelled. Because he was happy with Leo, he knew he was. He liked the time they spent together, showing Leo how to play boardgames from his early childhood, brushing his hair, sharing his hoodies, wrapping Leo up in blankets so Devon could hug him.

"Really?" Mal asked, now quiet and soft, not meeting Devons eyes.

"Yeah, I want you to like him, because I do. A lot." Devon aswered, now also whispering.

"Ok, then I've got you. I'll be there if you ever want to tell the guys." Mal reasured, now seeming to understand how many feelings Devon really held for the ghost.


I'd been about a week sense the pair returned home from their trip to Leo and Devon was forever tense with the worries of how to tell his friends about his boyfriend. Devon really liked calling Leo his boyfriend.

The guys were coming over that afternoon and Devon wasn't ready. He didn't need to set anything up or anything like that, he just wasn't sure what to do.

He knew what he was supposed to do, tell his friends about Leo, bt there was no good way to bring that up.

This would also kind of count as a coming out of sorts for the man. Telling his friends about his gay ghost boyfriend was never going to be simple and that's why Devon chose to not do it.

Devon planned to keep Leo to himself for a bit longer. He subconsiously knew that he would never be ready but he wasn't now ether.

Mal called him a pussy after Devon admitted to being too scared to spill his ghost relationship status but in the end agreed to keep his mouth shut.

Mal ended up not keeping his fucking mouth shut that afternoon.

And an hour into having their group over, Kyle was already asking about Devons girlfriend and whether Mal had met her or not.

"I. . . Ive met her, shes cool," Mal said so unsmoothly that Devon had to flinch at the words.

"Well, whats her name?" Steph asked, rolling his eyes and leaning back into the couch.

"Leo," Mal said with a nod before glancing back at the tv. After a harsh glare from Devon and a confused sound from Kyle, Mal noticed his mistake.

"Leo. . . na. . . Leona?" Mal tried to cover but it was too late and Devon was pissed. He knew Mal wasnt trying to spill his secrets but the fact it had only been an hour pissed him off a bit.

"Just- just shut up." Devon grumbled darkly and slumped down into a chair in the living room. "You already fucked up,"

"Yo. . . So what, youre dating a boy or somethin?" Steph asked, obviously just as confused as the other guys whod stayed quiet through the interaction.

"Yes, not that you were suposed to know yet," Devon snapped and shot a dirty look at Mal who put his hands up in guilty defense.

Devon wasnt sure how much he wanted to share now. If he spilled Leo was a ghost then they would all want to see him like Mal had. Leo was just warming up to him and Devon knew hed be royaly pissed if he brought someone else to the hospital to see him.

"So youre like. . . a fag?" Jason asked and got swat in the shoulder by Kyle.

"We dont say shit like that anymore, man," Kyle loudly whispered with wide eyes.

"Dont expect to meet him anytime soon, hes shy," Devon said and crossed his arms as the group deflated at the news.

"Yo, Bro, we support you," Steph gave a little head nod to Devon before reaching forward and grabbing the remote from the coffee table.

That almost made Devon feel worse. Because ok, they were fine Leo was a boy. . . but what about him being dead? And what if Leo chose to never show himself to them.

Devon didnt want to be some crazy guy to his friends, not to mention Mal would face the same fate as Devon had no doubt Mal would back him up till the end.

Instead of all that Devon just gave a lame "Thanks," and the conversation moved on to where the group would order from that night.

When everyone but Mal had left, the other gave him a friendly pat on the shoulder and a smile.

"Good job," He said.

"Dont think I forgot what you did tonight," Devon growled and playfully pushed Mal out the door before going to bed for the night.

He dreamed of Leo that night and when he woke up he realized. . . he didnt want anyone to know about Leo. . . Leo felt like his when it was just him and Mal that knew. Devon wasnt sure how to move forward and Mal, the wingman he is, didnt seem to have the greatest ideas.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 01, 2023 ⏰

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