A Pair Of Humans

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When Leo heard footsteps he perked up, Devon. But then he heard a second pair following the first and it quickly connected that Devon had brought someone.

When he heard the steps coming down the hall, he dove under the blankets and tried to lay flat, which wasn't hard, he was almost a skeleton.

Leo stilled when the door opened and heard the familiar sound of Devons bag dropping to the floor.

"Leo?" Devon called out. Leo didn't know what to do. No one else was suposed to know about him, they had an unspoken rule, this stays between the two.

But Leo trusted Devon to an extent. The decision was made for him when the covers were pulled off of him.

"I know you know we're here." He said with a laugh and Leo's head popped up.

Leo just pointed to Mal and turned to Devon, silently asking for an explanation.

The other human was just staring at the sleeve pointed in his direction, wide eyes and clearly scared.

"This is my best friend, you can trust him." Devon said with an asuring nod.

"Don't tell anyone else." Leo said as he climbed off the bed. He was a bit upset that Devon was inviting strangers to his home without asking.

He got off the bed, in sweats and one of Devons big sweatshirts, and held his hand out to shake the other humans hand.

"U-uh-" The human blabbered and clumsilly grabbed Leo's hand before jerking away.

"Yeah, he's really cold." Devon explained.

"S-shit. You-your ghost boy is real!" The human whisper yelled to Devon.

Leo ignored the other human and instead tugged at Devons sweatshirt. That was a silent comunication that he wanted it. So Devon nodded and slid it over his head.

Leo liked when they traded sweaters, it smelled human and was always warm.

"This is Mal," Devon introduced the human.

"Hello," Leo waved lazily and dropped to the floor, sitting on the balls of his feet like a kid. He started going through what Devon had brought and smiled.

"Shit- you- you wern't mental." Mal just spoke with complete and utter disbelife. Leo pulled out a stuffed bunny just like the old one he had and Leo turned to Devon clapping his hands excitedly.

When Leo and Devon started hanging out, he quickly learned that he needed to use more body launguage because he couldn't see Leo's face.

"You like it?" Devon asked, looking down at Leo with a smile. Leo nodded his head fast and hoped Devon picked up on it. He did and in turn ruffled Leo's hair.

When Devon went to pull his hand away, Leo used his hands to keep Devon's on his head. It was so warm and he smelled so human, it made Leo feel like he was also alive.

Leo took the rabbit and stood up, grabbing the bottom of Devons sleeve and pulling him to the bed. Leo had missed the human warmth the past month.

Devon did as Leo wanted and laid on the bed, letting Leo crawl on top of him and atach himself like a koala.

"You- but- I-" Mal was grabbing at his hair and grumbling in frustration.

"Your human friend is being weird." Leo mumbled lazily into Devons neck making Devon laugh and put his hand back in Leo's hair.

"Mal, sit down." Devon gestured to the bed and Mal sat himself on the end. Leo quickly took advantage of the fact there were two humans and pulled Mal down so he was sandwiched between the two heaters.

"I missed you." Leo mumbles casually. Because he had missed Devon. Devon and his will to get frostbite so Leo could be warm.

"Shit, your ghost is cold!" Mal quickly shouted and scrambled off the bed.

"Asshole," Leo mumbled and climbed back onto Devon. Leo had been learning words sense Devon had come visiting. He hoped he was using them the right way.

"Oh, you're learning now?" Devon chuckled and Leo nodded his head.

"Did I use it right?" Leo asked and lifted his head to look at Devon, resting his chin on the warm chest.

"You did, baby." Devon mumbled, looking hazy.

"I'm older than you." Leo argued and Devon laughed.

"It's a term you call friends." Devon explained.

"Oh, ok, baby." Leo nodded his head again.

A second later, Devon was dragged out of the room by Mal. The door shut behind them but Leo could easily still hear them.

"Y-you- You've tricken a ghost into being your boyfriend!" Mal yelled.

"A ghost!" He contined, sounding increasingly panicked.

"Well. . . what do you think of him?" Devon asked nervously.

"I think I'm seriously fucking confused."

They came back in soon after and Devon laid back down, Leo crawling back on top of him.

"What's a 'boyfriend'?" Leo asked.

"Uh- Well- Its kinda like a really good friend- eh- like being married." Devon stuttered over his words nervously.

"Oh, am I your boyfriend?" Leo contined.

"Well- thats-thats up to you." Devons eyes were wide.

"I think we're good friends. I will be your boyfriend." Leo nodded along.

"I don't think you really know what that means-" Mal tried to say but Devon cut him off.

"He understands enough." Devon said and Mal fell quiet. The atmosphere was awkward but Leo didn't care, snuggling farther into the human warmth.

Of course Leo knew what courting was, but Devin was a boy and you dont court boys, Leo just had a nice human friend. A nice and warm human friend.

"Shit, you bought your ghost boyfriend a whole ass IKEA setup and toy store." Mal mumbled as he looked in the drawrs Leo had.

"What else did you bring him, dude?" Mal asked and turned to face the bed, one of Leo's toys in hand.

"Yeah, what else did you bring?" You could hear the smile in Leo's voice and Devon smilled.

"More paper and puzzle books. I also got you a big set of color pencils." Devon said, face in a full grin.

"Did you bring the light up fidget spinner?" Leo asked, excited and sat up in the bed, stratling Devons stomach.

"I promised, didn't I?" Devon smiled and Leo rushed to the bag to get it.

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