Chapter 6

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Once we got there we saw mom cleaning up blood and a man laying on the floor dead. "Mom?" Me and her whisper. "Elizabeth Y/n, did you lock the front door?" She questioned. I couldn't believe what I was seeing and I couldn't look away.  "What... what happened?" Betty asked scootching by while I'm still speechless. "No, no. Don't come any closer. Don't... Don't touch anything. He tried to hurt me and Chic, your brother..." Mom started but stopped when I pulled out my phone out to call the police. "No, no, what are you doing?" "I'm calling the police!"  I said freaking out. "No, don't do that. Do not do that!" She said. "Mom, there's a man on our floor!" Betty said. "If the police come, they're gonna take Chic away from me and I won't let that happen again." She said. "Well, if it was self-defense..." Betty started. Then mom got back on the ground to clean the floor. "Yes, of course, it was." Mom said.

Me and Betty were crying at this point. "But it won't matter." Mom said. "What do we do?" Me and Betty asked at the same time. "Just go to your room.s You guys didn't see anything." Mom said. "Mom, let us help you." I said. "No, honey. It's better if you guys aren't involved." Mom said. Then Betty's phone rang causing us to look at her. "It's dad." She said. "Don't answer it." Mom said. "What if he came.." "Yes, your right. Answer. Just... Just act like everything is normal." She said interrupting Betty. "Hi, Dad, what's up?" Betty asked. "OH. Ok, I'll see you in a bit." She said hanging up. "Please tell me he's not coming here." Mom said. "Uh, he needs toiletries. He says he doesn't wanna get in a fight with you." She said. "Betty!" Mom said. "Mom... We don't know how much time we have please just let us help you." Betty said.

"Bleach is under the sink." Mom says as Betty rushes to get it. Me and Betty took off our jackets. We started cleaning the floor. We heard a big crash causing all of us to look in the direction it was coming from and back to cleaning up. After a while, we were done. "Hello? Betty?" I heard dad yell as he walked in. We were still finishing up putting some stuff away went we got sight of dad. "Betty. Y/n. Alice." Dad said. "Hal." Mom said. "Dad." Me and Betty said. "So, where's Chic?" Dad asked. "Upstairs in his room, resting." I told him. "Whats... what's that smell?" He asked. "Bleach. I spilled tomato soup, I didn't want it to stain." Mom told him. "Well, it must have been a lot of soup, because it smells like a hospital in here." He said. "Dad, do you want me to get the toiletries for you?" Asked Betty. Dad looked around and got what he needed and left. 

I had changed before dad got there so after he left I grabbed my normal coat and helped mom and Betty move the body. "What if someone comes looking for him, mom?" Betty questioned. I stayed quiet because I was still in shock. I just helped clean up blood from a dead guy. I was too lost in thought to even listen to what they were saying. Once we got there we carried his body into a swear pipe and covered him and left. I couldn't believe it. I hid a body and cleaned up the blood. "We have work to do." Mom told us as we walked through the door. "We have to clean anything that he may have touched, so there are no fingerprints." Mom said. We went around the house cleaning everything. Me and Betty looked like shit. After my shower, all I did was lay down and I was out until my alarm went off to school. I wasn't hungry went I came downstairs so I didn't eat. 

The sounds of the doorbell made me jump. Betty answered the door and it was Jughead asking to walk her to school as I passed them before they left. I wore sweat pants and a Tee shirt and couldn't stop thinking of everything that happened. Kevin came up to us telling us how they found another body this morning. Me and Betty shared a look and fear came next as we looked back at Kevin. "Where did they find it?" Me and Betty asked at the same time. He said it was at a motel. Betty rushed to the bathroom as I rushed to the nearest trash can throwing up. "Are you ok?" Jug asked as he held my hair. "I'm fine." I told him. "Are you sure?" He asked. "Yes, Jug I'm ok." I said with a fake smile. After school, I walked to Pop's and sat there not wanting anything to eat or drink. Just sitting there staring at my computer while everything ran through my mind. 

I don't know where Betty went but I honestly didn't give a fuck. I needed to talk to someone I feel like I'm going crazy and mom is acting as if nothing happened. After I went home I went straight to my room laying there. I couldn't stop thinking about it. I felt sick. Betty was yelling at Chic about lying and about the guy and drugs. Later that night Betty went to Pop's with the phone she took from him. I went to the trailer park to talk to Jughead. I knocked on the door Fp opened the door. "Hey is Jughead home I really need to talk t him it's kinda important." I told him. "Uh no, he just left whats wrong you can talk to me." He said. "Uh no but thank you do you know where he might be?" I asked. "I think he when to talk to Betty." He said. "Thanks." I said running off.  She didn't find much on the phone so she called Jughead and she told him everything.

He was freaking out when I got there. Then a lady asked about the guy's car. Jug told her it was his and she said if he didn't move it he was going to get a ticket. Betty and I hot wired the car and pushed it into a random lake (Idk where) and throw the phone with it. Me and Betty were by Betty's locker when Betty told us dad was cheating on mom. I was fucking pissed. "Dad!" Get away from him or I will call mom." I yelled. "Fine. Think I care." He said. "And I will tell her about you and Penelope Blossom." Betty said. He slowly looked at us. Then Betty told him to leave. He didn't say a thing. Me and Betty were talking to mom Betty told her she told Jughead. Then Betty suggested that we ask Fp for help. Once we got there Jug opened the door.

"Fp, I-." Mom started. "Save it, Alice. Jughead just told me all of it. I'm not gonna let the four of you make the same mistake I made with Jason Blossom. Come on." Fp said. We left with Fp and showed him where the body was then met him at Pops after it was done. We sat there not speaking a word when Fp came in and sat next to me. "It's done." He said as he sat down. "Jeez... Dad, you reek." Jug said. "It's the sodium hydroxide. In a week, there'll be nothing left... Not even his teeth." He said. Mom started crying. "Thank you, Fp. I'm sorry for involving the girls, and that they pulled Jughead into this." Mom cried. "We take care of our own." He said as he put one of his hands on mine and the other on hers. Jughead pulled Betty into a side hug where she laid her head on his shoulder. "Circle ends here." He said. We nodded. "No more loose ends." He told us. 

Lately, it feels like Chic is everywhere. Everywhere I turn he's there. "That weekend Betty went to a weekend getaway with Jug, V, and Archie. Leaving me alone with mom and Chic. I was done texting Jug when I left for my shift at Pop's I haven't had the time because of everything that has happened. Once I got there and Fp was also working. "Hey princess, how are you holding up?" He asked. I sighed. "I'm holding up ok I guess. Ever since it happened it's like Chic is everywhere and I don't know if I'm just being dramatic or what but he's literally always there when I turn around." I said smoothing my hair back. He walked closer to me into a hug. I hesitated at first but then hugged him back. "If you ever need anything at all I'm always here. If you need a place to stay or a shoulder to cry on I'm here." He said. "Thank you, Fp." Once we pulled away we got back to work we joked and flirted. Once I got home I went to bed. I rolled over and seen Chic in my room leaning over me. "Oh my god, Chic what are you doing." I yelled. He didn't say anything and just stood there smiling. I pushed him out. I lay there not feeling comfortable.

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