Chapter 15

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I left after a while not wanting to be there when Jughead gets home. I went straight to bed. But I didn't sleep very well. I woke up the next morning and texted Jughead. "Hey, I just wanted to say I'm sorry again. I know your still mad at me but please understand that it would have never happened if I knew he was your dad." I walk downstairs to see Polly who I was so happy to see. She greeted me with a hug and we caught up a bit. "What do you mean you haven't gone to visit dad yet?" Polly asked. "We're taking things one step at a time, Polly." Betty said. "But if we don't go visit him, how are we supposed to be able to forgive him?" Polly asked. "What the hell are you talking about?" Betty asked. "Betty, at the farm they taught us that forgiveness is the most valuable gift we can give. If we don't absolve him, we'll become what he was, full of hate." Polly told her.

"And my babies deserve a mother who's better than that." "Maybe Polly's right. I mean, not about forgiving him, but about seeing him." Mom finally spoke. "No." Betty said. "Maybe that way, we can get some answers or I can give him a piece of my mind." "If that's what you want, mom. But you two can count me out" Betty said. I had nothing to say and didn't know what to do. But thankfully I got a call. It was Jake. I stepped out and answered. He wanted me to know that everything we need for our future is ready for us. The only thing it's missing is me. I have no reason to stay in Riverdale anymore. Jughead hates me and Fp and his ex is getting back together. There's nothing that is really keeping me in Riverdale besides mom and Betty but they'll be fine right? I don't know. I told him that I still had a few things to deal with at home before I could leave. 

Which was partly true but I wasn't ready to leave. I was scared. I've never even left town before. I wanted to be with Jake I really do but I want to be in Riverdale. Even if it's a bad place to live it's my home. After I hang out with my family since it might be the last time I ever do. Later that night I go to my room. I shower and text Jake almost all night till I fell asleep. The next morning I come into school late and I see some of the serpents. I didn't even ask and just went to class. It was nice seeing them back at school. Even though I bumped into Jughead a few times. After school, I spend a lot of time talking to Jake about how it will be once we move in together. After a few, I go downstairs and see jughead there helping out with the twins. 

Betty was crying and Jug was comforting her. I just walked back to my room now even wanting to see him. Later Betty decided to go see dad I haven't gone. I didn't even want to see him again. Even tho I missed him. I went to the school to give Archie my support and planned on leaving but V talked me into staying longer. Archie got elected which I was so happy for him and found out that the southside kids were going to be staying at Riverdale. I don't know what I missed but I was happy. 

a/n: Sorry for the short chapter I'm currently sick right now with a cold and school is kicking my ass so I just wanted to post some so here you go <3

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