Chapter 2

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"Hey, wake up, please wake up Starmber."
He opened his eyes groggily, and turned to see a bluish purple cat with flame wings.
"Be quiet. I wanna surprise Nightmare."

Starmber sat up and watched the cat pheonix tap Nightmare's shoulder. A moment later, Nightmare opened her eyes.
Then her eyes widened.
"Starflame?!" She gasped. "I thought I'd never see you ever again!"
Starflame purrred.

"I wanted to surprise you, that's all! Afterall, I haven't seen you since you got pre-"
He went quiet when Nightmare slapped a paw over his mouth, and spoke.
"I haven't told him yet."
She glanced at Starmber. He shivered in fear.
"Told me what?"

Nightmare looked at Starmber.
"I'll tell you when your older, okay, Starmber?"
Starflame glared at her.
"I'll tell him, since you want to keep who his father is a secret."
Starmber looked at him, anticipation crawled through him.
"I'm your father, Starflame, that's my name."

A Night Star - 2 / Return to the CityWhere stories live. Discover now