Chapter 11

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Suddenly the scent he had smelled before threatened to cover every other scent.
He felt claws and a weight that dragged him.
He hissed and blinked, tumbling backwards and shaking himself to throw of his attacker.
The cat thumped into a tree before a hiss surprised him.
This new cat smelled like...

He turned to face his attacker, eyes closed.
Starmber yowled in pain as he felt a slash over his closed eye. His eye stung.
He tumbled down towards the lake, and gasped as he opened his right eye to see the lake.
He dug his claws into the dirt.

Starmber came to a screeching halt, as Shade ran away in the distant forest.
Suddenly he heard cats yowling his name.
Starmber screeched in reply.
"Help me! Please! Help me!!"
He smelled the scent of NightPack washing over him.
He sighed in relief.

Crizztal ran over to him and tapped him.
"Don't scare us like that! Wait, your eye! Hold still."
Crizztal seemingly chanted very quietly.
His eye fizzed and, quickly, healed.

But there was a scar.
He opened it slower than he had ever opened it.
And it still worked.

A Night Star - 2 / Return to the CityWhere stories live. Discover now