Chapter 2 - Anna's Cabin

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(3rd Person POV)
- Translations at the end.

- Unedited.

(Y/n) continued to shiver in the woman's arms--both from fear and the cold.

When (Y/n) had been caught by Huntress, she'd swore that she'd end up dead with a hook impaled through her chest, but she was proved wrong when the killer put her ax away and instead gently picked her up and held her in both arms, bridal style.

(Y/n) stayed silent and still, too afraid of what Huntress might do if she didn't comply.

It wasn't long until they arrived at a cabin that resided deep within the Red Forest's realm.

The strangest aspect was the weather and the fact that it had shifted from muddy and rainy, to cold and snowy.

It was snowing.

The vegetation around her was covered with a layer of white snow and every step the Huntress took would leave a large footprint in its wake.

(Y/n) was tired.

After fearing for her life she was now being held in warm arms by the exact person she'd been anxious about.

She was mentally exhausted and didn't put up a fight when her eyelids fell.


(Y/n) awoke to an uncomfortable feeling around her neck.

She yawned under her breath and simply relished in the warmth.

Wait, warmth?

(Y/n)'s eyes suddenly flew open as she remembered her previous circumstances. She was surprised to be met with a fireplace in front of her.

"Доброе утро, малыш."

(Y/n) yelped in surprise as she spun around, however, she spun around too fast and accidentally choked on the thing around her neck.

Huntress sprang into action and simply put a finger between the rope and (Y/n)'s neck.

"Будь осторожен!" Huntress growled, more worried if anything.

(Y/n) shook at the tone of voice, scared that she'd made the woman upset.

Huntress stayed silent for a moment before humming her mother's song.

The song that had brought her comfort as a child.

(Y/n) blinked in confusion as she watched Huntress adjust the rope's tightness around her neck, fixing the knot so that it hung slightly loose around the base of the girl's neck.

It wasn't enough for it to fall to (Y/n)'s collar bone, but enough that she wouldn't choke if she tried something like that again.

"...Thank you..." (Y/n) muttered, finding it best to be polite.

Huntress's brows furrowed as she scrounged her memory for those words.

She'd heard it a few times back with the soldiers, but if her memory proved accurate, the Little One had just thanked her.

"...Добро пожаловать, малыш." Huntress replied, nodding.

(Y/n) nibbled on the inside of her cheek as she stared up at Huntress.

She had no idea what she was saying.

It wasn't anything like Spanish or French, but it's not like she'd understand the woman any better.

She didn't know any foreign languages, just English.

(Y/n) was brought out of her thoughts as Huntress stood and walked over to the kitchen in the cabin.

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