Chapter 3 - The Cold, A Bath, & Rabbits

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(3rd Person POV)
- Translations at the end.

- Unedited.

(Y/n) adjusted the fur pelt around her as she shivered, the fire having died out during her nap.

She had woken up, been fed, and then left to lonesome due to a trial that The Entity had dragged Anna into.

This was their typical daily routine and it had been going on for at least 5 days now.

(Y/n) had figured out that Anna doesn't eat because it isn't a necessity for her. She could go for days on end without consuming any food or water.

This morning, Anna must've been too focused on hunting down prey for (Y/n) to realize that the fire was slowly dying out.

The candles barely compared to the fire's warmth and are used better as a light source than a source of heat.

Her thoughts were cut off by a thud from behind her.

She yelped in surprise and turned, only to see her stack of blocks scattered across the floor.

(Y/n) frowned and crawled towards the pile with the fur wrapped around her shoulders.

She continued to shake as she built her tower back up, sighing when she'd finished and laid her body on the floor.

She stayed in her burrito wrap and shut her eyes, hoping Anna would return soon.


"Mалютка!" Anna called into the cabin, a wide smile on her face.

The first thing she noticed was the temperature.

It was cold. At this temperature, Anna could handle it just fine, but not the Little Ones.

Anna dropped her ax and hatchets by the door and ran to the corner where (Y/n) was kept.

She picked the little girl up in one arm and used her other to toss a few logs into the fireplace.

Anna was torn between leaving (Y/n) to herself and running up to her room to grab a fire starter.

She grunted and grumbled to herself before wasting no more time and running up the stairs to her bedroom to grab a box of matches. Of course, Anna didn't know they were matches, she just knew that they could create fire instantly.

She ran back down the stairs and lit the match as fast as she could then threw it into the fireplace.

The logs were coated in flames and brought the entire cabin warmth from the cold.

Anna sighed in slight relief before taking the rope off of (Y/n)'s neck and holding her in her lap as she sat in front of the fire.

(Y/n) felt the heat reach her immediately, causing her to finally gain enough energy to open her eyes.

She looked up at Anna with tired eyes.

Anna looked down at (Y/n) with a relieved and nervous smile.

"Теперь ты в безопасности, Малыш." She muttered under her breath, pressing her face into the girl's hair.

(Y/n) rubbed her eye, still slightly out of it. All she knew was that Anna had come back to the cabin and wrapped her up in her arms.

"Safe," Anna said, sighing in relief.

(Y/n) tilted her head in confusion before sitting up and stretching. "Welcome back." She murmured, mid-stretch.

Anna nodded, having understood the girl's words.

Though even after she was greeted back, she continued to stay silent. Her anger and frustration grew inside of her, sizzling and bubbling.

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