A Bad Fall

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I walked into the creek and I waited by the ravine. Johnny walked out of the bushed in a lettermen jacket with his hands in his pockets and I said, "You came." He began to look angry and shouted, "Did I even have a choice?" "Well technically yes." He looked down and thought. I began to get a little intimidated I'm dealing with a completely unstable lunatic I can smell the alcohol on his jock breath. I looked down and then to my left and saw my dad. I did a double-take, "Dad?" He had a neutral stance and expression on his face. Suddenly I heard thunderous footsteps Johnny rushed up to me and completely ripped off my eye patch and punched me in the face. He boldly walked toward me saying, "If you have the chance of ruining my life ill just have to take away yours instead." I threatened him saying, "Back the fuck off Johnny ill fucking kill you!" I was a little confident he was my height my build. But then he took about a six-inch hunting knife. I felt terrified like my life was at stake because it was, Out of fear I insulted him saying, "You're fucking crazy." Then I began attempting to reason with him, "If you kill me people will know it was you. The text area on my phone." He laughed like the joker and said, "Michael I don't think people will care if the social reject disappears people already think you're suicidal that's your title and when I'm done you'll be living up to it. Do you really think people will believe someone as weird as you?"

I paused and thought, he's right. No one will believe me. As I was falling for his manipulative words. He lunged at me, slashing me right below my missing eye with his blade. Then he pinned me right on the edge I squirmed but it didn't work with no hesitation he began to plow the knife into my left chest muscle slowly. It wasn't smooth like the movies it was ruff and bare the knife wasn't even sharp enough. So he had to use his strength. It hurt like hell I luckily got my right arm loose and punched his jaw with all my strength plus my adrenaline. He backed away and cracked his jaw. I struggled to stand and he attempted to sympathize with me saying, "Michael I never wanted to hurt you. Or Kara." I didn't want to hear anything had to say since I had another scar beneath my missing eye and a bruise under my good eye. And a gash on my chest I barked in response. "Go to hell you son of a bitch!" He punched me and I felt myself fall.

Cals View 5 Minutes After The Fight

Where the hell is he? He left his phone here too. I got to the truck my concern grew I charged through the bushes and along the path calling out, "Mikey Mike Michael, where the heck are you?" I grew really fearful. I pushed the bushes out the way revealing a deep cavern. I quickly looked around and noticed something shiny by the cliffside. I quickly ran over slowing down when I got closer. I looked in astonishment and dropped to my knees. Mike's eyepatch was lying in a small bit of his blood I felt tears of fear and sadness. It was ripped. I immediately looked over the cliff I couldn't see it was just dark enough where I couldn't see. As I was looking on my knees. I heard heavy footsteps, "Mike?" I instantly turned around instantly and only saw the bottom of someone's shoe connect with my face and the eyepatch drop out of my hand. Then I felt myself plummeting off the edge. 

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