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Author's Pov:

TW: Mentions of Blood, Harassment, Uncomfortable Touching,

The leather whip echoed in the air, the mans knuckles turning white as a sinister smile creeped up to his lip. His eyes darting around the room looking for a special something....or someone. The whip dropped to the ground, the impact causing a loud sound.

"Jisung baby, come me out! Daddy's waiting for you! I have a treat for you!" He hysterically laughed pushing his hair back. The said boy who was called hugged his knees tightly and tried his best not to let a sound out, tears dripped down his soft chubby cheeks as he softly whimpered touching the whip mark on his hip.

"You know I hate waiting baby, its about time you come out now! My patience is running thin!" His voice dropped the sweet tone, he took a puff of the cigarette in his other hand and the hazy smoke shone in the moonlight. He lifted his whip and it slapped against the cold concrete floor.

Jisung's heart beats rised as the footsteps of the man came closer to him, he held his breath and closed his eyes. "Jibaby, I know you're in here somewhere. Come out now or your gonna regret it" the man hissed. He took another puff of his cigarette and blow the smoke into the small gap between the hinges of the cupboard, soft coughs were heard.

"Aha found you!" The man giggled happily.

The door to the cupboard was ripped open and Jisung was pulled out and thrown to the floor. "A-ah" he hissed in pain as the bruises on his legs made contact with the ground. "Oh my! Look at you! I never thought you would look so pretty with clothes on" he snickered before grabbing Jisung by his wrist and dragging him to the bed. He pressed the burning cigarette against Jisung's exposed hip, the poor boy screamed.

"Look at you now, your so pretty screaming, just like when your under me" the man's finger traced Jisung's body, he leaned down and smashed his rough lips against Jisung's pretty pink ones. Nibbling and sucking on his lower lip, and then shoving his tongue inside the boy's mouth.

"Ah fuck your so goddamn sweet. If you were mine I would lock you up for me and ravish you day and night. Too bad your sold now" he casually said which made Jisung widen his eyes.

"S-sold" his voice came out as a stutter, his body trembling as the man got off him and smirks. "Yes sold, they're giving me a huge sum of money, in return of your body and who am I to decline so I agreed. They gave me $150 million for you" as each word slipped pass his mouth, Jisung's world crushed down more. He was so caught up in his own thoughts that he didn't notice the said man packing his clothes and placing them at the entrance of his room.

"Get up you whore" the man yells before dragging the small boy to the living room where a group of men were sitting, dressed in black and talking amongst themselves. The man clears his throat and they all attend their gazes towards the two that just came out off the room. "I've bought him now. Take him and leave" the man announces as Jisung's chokes on his sobs.

"I must agree that your son is absolutely stunning. He would make great business for us Mr. Han" the main bodyguard said eyeing Jisung's body. He was much prettier then most girls, pretty legs, a beautiful small waist and the most delicate features. All in one he was incredibly beautiful there was no lie in that but he was just a toy.

Oh yeah and that man is Han Jisung's biological father, he went crazy over his own son when his wife died. Jisung had inherited his mom's beauty and it caught Mr. Han's attention, and since Jisung was 15 and now 20. His father had been using his body for personal satisfaction.

"We have to leave now, bring him here" the bodyguard says as his peers grab Jisung harshly and then take him towards the limo that was parked outside. They shove him inside and then proceed to close the door, "Aww don't cry baby boy, this is your new home from now on" the man seated in the limo says pulling Jisung towards him.

"Drive" he orders the driver who nods and then starts the engine, the man pulls Jisung on his lap and caresses his thigh. But Jisung slaps his hand away, this time he felt anger instead of fear. How dare they use him as a toy!? "Don't touch me" he glares at the man. The man's smile immediately dropping.

But all this sudden confidence was for a few brief seconds, the man chokes him down on the cushion like seat, "You fucking bitch! How dare you talk back to me" the man yells and digs his nails into Jisung's bare thighs, the boys screams in pain as blood trickles down the wound. "We have arrived Mr. Oh" the driver says and the bodyguards take Jisung out.

"Welcome to Heaven on Earth. Well not for you baby for others. This is hell for you and I'm the devil" Mr. Oh says and throws Jisung over his shoulder, he enters a room which looked so gorgeous. Everything is was red and there were bouquets of roses everywhere in the room. Some were littered on the floor and some were neatly placed on the bed. "This will be your room. You'll be a VIP prostitute and only satisfy customers that pay me a good amount" Mr. Oh explains as tears well up in Jisung's eyes.

"Mark get him prepared for tonight" he declares as the other boy who just entered nods, Mr. Oh leaves and Jisung sits on the bed, not caring if the thorns of the roses pierce through his skin. "Shh shh don't cry sweetheart" Mark says hugging Jisung and rubbing his back. He then goes through a process of getting ready.

"Jisung honey, I'm in the same situation as you and I'm sorry that I can't do anything for you now. But please for the sake of your life, listen and obey to what they say. I'll try my best to have you out of here soon" Mark rubs Jisung's hair and stands up him.

"Welcome To The Greatest Brothel Of All Times! Heaven On Earth" Mr. Oh announces looking at the crowd. "We have a special boy with us today and if you pay us enough for him he'll be yours for tonight" he says hyping up the old men in the crowd.

Just then a young man walks in the Brothel with what seemed like his members.

"Mr. Lee welcome".........

Holy shit this was crap, but oh well.

Hopefully you'll get an update with a day or two. Stay safe y'all


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