Name: Uta No Prince Sama
Genre: Comedy , Romance
Aired: July 2,2011-September 26,2011
Episodes: 13
Rate: 8 -10
Namani Haruka a fragile teen, was late to enter an exam for Saotome Academy, an academy for composers and becoming idols. She was stopped by police men, but was negotiated by Ren and Ittoki. She passed the exam and now she's in the academy. Her role model HAYATO inspired her go to this music school. She met HAYATO, but he said he's not him. He's his twin brother. And now he's in the academy. She met the rest of the boys, Masato, Syo, Natsuki. And all started to have feelings for her. When graduation is near you have to make a song with an idol. She was nominated by all the six boys. she couldn't decide which so she tried to make a group. The principal at first denied, but he said yes. Now the six boys were called Starish ! Now she's the composer of a famous band !
Season 2 : So she met a new member Cecil ! The person who led her make all of the six a group. Starish grew better and now they have to compete for a very rare reward to receive. Their opponent was HEAVENS !Opinion:
Are you ready ? Ok ok ok....... THIS ANIME MADE ME INSANE ! Tokiya( HAYATO) IS REALLY HOT LIKE SERIOUSLY EVERY TIME WHEN LOOKS I JUST SCREAM ! SYO IS ADORABLE AND I WANT TO HUG HIM. NATSUKI IS...I CANT EXPLAIN. ITTOKI BDJEJDJDJDNDJDNSJDJDUSOSM. REN STOP BEING TAMAKI ! MASATO MY DEAR MASATO QUIT BEING SO FREAKIN HOT ! CECIL STOP JUST STOP. AI GOOD JOB. CAMUS STOP BEING A HANDSOME JERK. REI STAY CUTE FOREVER. RAMARU CLOSE YOURE DIFFERENT COLORED EYES. THIS ANIME MADE ME MAKE INHUMAN SOUNDS. AND MY BROTHER IS GETTING ANNOYED. Ok Naomi just calm down..... take deep breaths..... alright. When they sing is just bootiful. There are three seasons. Season three has more episodes still going. I ship Haruka and Tokiya.... When he caught her.... I fell off the bed and made inhuman sounds. And yes ..... ANOTHER REVERSE HAREM ! Just like Ouran, but can you stop watching them ? NO ! Tokiya and Masato are my favorite. When they are next to each other I just scream and fall off. And satsuki oh gosh..... I recommend this anime for you it's really fun and cute too.P.s. there's going a lot of crying from Haruka. she cries pretty easily.
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