Chapter 7

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"Do you want to go swimming again?" Emma asked, after I'd thoroughly thanked her for dinner. "I really enjoyed last time and it's burning hot."

She was right. One step outside and a wave of heat crashed into us. My dress was thin and showed a lot of bare skin, but I was still immediately sweating. I hadn't appreciated the cool air of the restaurant enough.

However, swimming with Emma wasn't something I wanted to do now. I was quite sexually active and if I didn't sleep with anyone for more than two weeks, my libido became higher. Especially after drinking some alcohol. That was exactly how it was now, so seeing a naked woman who I wouldn't kick out of bed wouldn't be the best thing for me, right now.

Emma saw me contemplating her offer. "We don't have to, if you don't want. I thought it'd be a fun way to end the evening, but if you don't wa.."

"I'd like to go," I interrupted her. It was dumb, I knew that. But I had self restraint and I could prevent myself from doing something stupid. I'd just go to the bar afterwards and fuck all my sexual frustration away.

So, we made our way to the old jetty. I turned away when she undressed, just like last time, but I could feel her looking at me as I undid my bra. I ignored it and grabbed her hand as I jumped in the water, taking her with me.

"God, Regina, I'm still wearing my glasses!" Emma said loudly, as she took them off and pulled herself up on the jetty to put her glasses with her clothes. Her back was smooth and I wondered what it would be like to trail my fingers up her spine, feel her soft skin against mine. "And I wasn't prepared."

I smirked as she plunged back in the water. "You wanted to get wet," I said, over pronouncing the last t, hoping the word would stick in her mind. I needed her turned on for her to love me.

Emma squinted her eyes and before I knew it, she'd splashed water in my face. She smiled defiantly and looked rather proud of herself. "So, now we're equally wet," she said, pronouncing the last word the same way I had and I couldn't help but wonder whether this was an attempt at flirting.

"Don't worry, dear, you'd gotten me wet as soon as you took off that cute bra of yours," I replied smugly and swam backwards for a moment, before I turned around and started swimming away faster. This had been a risky line and though I usually spoke these without effort, it felt odd telling her such things. It hadn't really been true, though, but still. She'd gotten me turned on much sooner, but it was wrong to think of a friend like that.

Emma was a fast swimmer and she'd caught up with me in no time. She grabbed my hand and prevented me from going any further, while she pointed at the weeping willow next to the jetty.

It was odd that the tree was growing there, but apparently it was moistly enough for it to let its leaves reach the sea water. Did they grow on salt water? I would not know, but it was standing there and I had no idea why Emma was pointing at it.

"I've never been underneath a weeping willow before," she said and started swimming, forcing me to come along with her. I had been underneath that tree many times. Killian, Ruby, Peter and I had spent tons of summer days on this jetty, in the water and underneath that tree.

Emma moved some leaves aside and gasped softly when she noticed she could touch the ground. I couldn't, though, but she was a bit taller, after all.

"It's exactly how you'd think it'd be," Emma said as she glanced up the tree. "Like you're standing underneath a tree."

I chuckled softly and leaned against her shoulder. She moved elegantly in the water and her wet hair floated all around her. She was still holding my hand and tugged me closer to her side.

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