Chapter 9

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Killian had rich parents that loved him and it showed. The hotel was far outside of Storybrooke, near the coast, and it screamed luxury and elites. Emma swallowed when we stepped inside the grand hall of the hotel.

It had big windows, that offered a perfect view of the sea. The floor was made entirely of marble, as were the walls, and black art was placed all around. I loved it so much I thought I might cry.

"He's rich rich," Emma whispered to me as she looked at the chandelier that had fake candles flickering all around. I really wanted to feel bad for taking this trip away from Killian, but seeing Emma gawk next to me took the guilt away a bit. It was totally worth it. "God, am I glad I'm here with you, not him. I didn't think I'd know how to act around him after this."

I smiled and grabbed my suitcase. "We should check in," I said and we made our way to the counter. A bossy lady with a high bun was chewing gum while clicking on the computer.

"Okay," she said, rudely chewing. She was the stereotypical bitchy receptionist and I was weirdly loving it. She fit the attitude of the hotel and she had a nice cleavage. Was it very rude to fuck someone while you're on a trip with a friend? I loved having women with big personalities on their knees for me.

"Room 238 is for you two. Tomorrow, at noon, is your couple's massage. The sauna is free of charge. Here's the directions to the hot spring near the forest. All the practical information regarding your room's own facilities are in the rooms themselves. Have a nice stay," she said and immediately locked her eyes back to her screen.

Emma looked at me and I chuckled softly as I accepted the card, that would supposedly open our hotel room. It'd been ages since I'd last visited a hotel room.

"He planned a couple's massage? Three dates, you said? God, he's got it hard for you," I said as we walked to the elevator. Emma frowned and nodded, but she didn't seem convinced.

"Maybe he just wants to pamper me with nice stuff, so that he'll get to sleep with me, or so. I have no clue why else he would do all this stuff. It's very odd," she replied softly and pressed the button of the elevator. "Well.. I guess we're now a couple for a weekend," she said and I chuckled softly, but internally screamed victoriously.

I was winning. Everything was going very well. "I suppose so," I said as we got out of the elevator and walked towards our room. I was positive Killian would find out about what I did soon enough, but it was too hard to care.

Especially when I saw the hotel room. I never thought rooms could be romantic, but I was certain once it was dark out, this room would be creating a very intimate atmosphere. It had fairy lights all around and deep red curtains. The floor was marble here as well, but mainly covered by a fluffy carpet. There was but one bed that looked extremely comfortable and a dark wooden table.

I wanted to say something, but my phone rang. I quickly apologized to Emma as I accepted the call.

"Regina, what the fuck?! No intervening, that was the rule."

I quickly left to the bathroom and gasped when I saw how pretty it was. I didn't want Emma to hear the phone call and she'd seemed to understand. The mirror was big and clear and I admired my outfit. I looked cute today.

"I didn't intervene," I replied calmly.

"Oh, really? My fucking "uncle" is in town? This is really low."

Mr. Gold, the fucking bastard. He hadn't kept it to himself after all. "You can say whatever you want, but I'm just smart. It's a good thing you didn't go with her, by the way, because you're creeping her out with all the couple activities you booked. I'm saving your ass here, so you'd better thank me."

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