Chapter 15

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The clock was ticking loudly in my living room. It fit perfectly in my apartment, but every time I looked at it, I didn't feel as happy as I could be. The clock reminded me of the bet and the bet reminded me of the way I'd lied to Emma and how she was now talking to my best friend about their child.

I felt myself choke up a bit. Now that Emma wasn't here, the confusion, and maybe even pain, of her pregnancy had returned. I would love that child with all that I had and I would take care of it like it was my own, but right now it was all still a bit sore.

She was in the bar right now, talking to Killian and I could only imagine what he was going through. He'd explicitly told me many, many times that he didn't want to be a father. He didn't want children to take away his freedom and life. It had been the one topic where our opinions and desires varied greatly.

I grabbed a big box and swallowed as I put the antique clock inside of it. I carefully closed it and carried it outside, in my arms. The bar was not far away and I wanted to see how Killian and Emma were doing.

They were sitting in the usual booth, both seemingly quiet. Killian was about to cry, I could see that. Emma was fumbling with her fingers and looking down at the table.

"Can I talk to Killian in private, for a moment?" I asked Emma and she nodded. She glanced confused at the box in my arms, but didn't comment. Instead, she kissed my cheek, patted my shoulder and walked away.

"Here," I said and put the box in front of him on the table. Killian opened it, but closed it once he saw what it was. "You did something I'll never be able to do, so I think in some way you've won."

"Regina, what the fuck am I going to do?" Killian muttered. I sat down next to him and wrapped my arms around him. "I don't want to be a father, but now I'm the dick who knocked up a chick and doesn't want to be involved."

"She knows that," I said. "And despite that, she still wants to keep the child. She doesn't expect you to be an involved parent."

"A single mother, I can't believe it."

"She's not single."

"You're going to help her take care of it?"



"Because I love her," I said. "And I love children. You know I've always wanted to be a mother."

Killian nodded and chucked down his beer, before he rubbed his eyes again and groaned loudly. This was the first time I saw him in such distress. I wanted to stay with him for a while, to make sure he wouldn't do anything stupid.

"I know you did," Killian said. "I just didn't think you meant it, because three seconds later you'd be screaming how much you hated giving birth and how you'd never, ever want to get pregnant."

"And now I don't have to," I replied. "You don't have to worry about anything. No one expects anything from you, we'll stay friends and Emma and I will take care of her child. Look, if there's any man I'd want as the father of my child, it's you."

Killian looked at me and rested his head on my shoulder. "I love you, Killian. You're my best friend and you're loyal as fuck. Everyone knows you're handsome and you know how to carry yourself. I could only wish for my child to be like you and now that I'll be raising your child for as long as Emma will let me is just.. it's perfection."

"I'm glad you see it that way," Killian replied and I kissed the top of his head.

"Enjoy the clock. You deserve it."

"No, you've won it fair and square," Killian said and played with his empty glass. I saw him looking at the box and I knew he'd be much happier with the clock than I ever would be. Especially, because I wouldn't be able to look at it without feeling slightly bad. It was a selfish act. But then again, selfless acts didn't exist, so what to do but accept that I was not a perfect human.

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