Chapter 10

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Just like last time Emma and I had shared a bed, I woke up with her curled against me. She was lying in my arms and had her eyes closed. I was pretty certain she was still asleep. My arm was starting to ache, though, and I wanted to move it away, but I didn't want to wake her.

Fortunately, she woke up herself not long after I did and immediately moved away from me. "Sorry," she apologized quickly and turned her back towards me. I frowned in confusion as she pulled the duvet higher up her body.

"You don't have to apologize," I whispered, but she didn't respond. I stared at the ceiling before I closed my eyes and tried to sleep some more, but I didn't succeed. Emma was breathing steadily, but I now believed she wasn't asleep and she was just ignoring me.

I got out of bed and stared at Emma for a moment. We'd made out a lot last night and I could still feel her lips against mine. It felt good to know Killian hadn't come this far yet. He was spending time at the sheriff station, working on some boring old case, whereas Emma and I were going to enjoy our massage today.

Some part of me wanted to kiss Emma and get her out of bed, but considering the way she just turned to me, I didn't think she'd enjoy it. So, I just changed into my clothes without uttering another word, and let Emma sleep.

"Is everything okay?" I asked Emma, once I was finished dressing up and fixing my hair. Emma turned to me and nodded as she slowly opened her eyes.

"Why wouldn't it be?" she asked quietly and I shrugged.

"I don't know," I said. "Do you want to talk about last night?"

Emma shrugged. "Is there anything to talk about?"

"That's what I'm asking you."

"I don't think so," Emma replied with another shrug. "You're a good kisser, if you were worried."

"Thanks," Regina said. "I wasn't, but thank you. Are you angry with me?"

Emma looked confused and grabbed my hand. She pulled it with her under the blanket so I was forced to kneel, otherwise she'd simply rip my arm off. She put my hand against her chest and stroked my handpalm.

"Will you come lie with me?" Emma asked and I looked at my clothes. I'd just dressed up, but Emma's offer would help me with the bet. So, I nodded and quickly took off my dress, before I got back in bed with her.

She looked me in the eyes and I moved closer to her. Emma put her hand on my hip and my breathing hitched. Apparently, she'd found out hips were my weakness, because a slight smile played at her lip.

"As what do you see me?" I asked. The question had been nagging my mind all night and I figured there'd be no harm in just asking her. "A friend, a crush, a.." I trailed my hand up her arm, "lover?"

Emma didn't respond immediately. "I don't know," she eventually said. "I've only known you for just over three weeks, but you're really important to me for some reason. You are my friend, but I.." she squinted her eyes for a brief second, "I don't know, there's just something about you that makes me want to touch you and feel you."

I felt my heart pounding loudly. I didn't really know how to react, because the feeling was mutual. I had wanted to kiss her yesterday, because it helped me with the bet, but also because she knew just how to do it. She knew how to cup my cheek and move her lips along with mine. She knew how to press me against the door and claim dominance over my tongue. She knew how to act and I loved that.

She squeezed my hip slightly and I bit my lower lip. "I love how you can't handle someone touching your hip," Emma muttered. I was only wearing my panties and bra and if she were to move her hand a bit to in-between my thighs, she'd notice just how much someone touching my hips like that affected me.

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