Chapter 18

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Henry Swan was born two weeks before his estimated due date. Emma had wanted to name her first son after her grandfather ever since he'd passed away, but she'd asked me repeatedly if I was okay with that as well.

"I know your father has got the same name, so if even part of you wants to change it.." she'd said, but I'd told her I was totally okay with the name, which I was, and when I saw his tiny body, I forgot all about the issues I'd had with the people that had raised me. Now, I had my own family.

He was healthy, despite being born too soon, and I'd fallen head over heels in love with him. Every movement he made caused my heart to simply melt. His fingers and toes were tiny and I couldn't get enough of him.

Emma was tired, but very happy. Henry was now a week old and because he was doing well, Emma and I had taken him home to our apartment, three days ago.

I'd fully given up my rent last month, because I was barely home anymore and spent most of my days with Emma, so we'd decided to move in together. Her place was slightly bigger than mine, so the decision had been fairly easy. Rocinante and her still unnamed kitten had moved in as well and though we'd feared big fights between them and Emma's two kittens, it actually went surprisingly well.

Killian loved Henry, too. He hadn't expected to, but he often stayed at Emma's apartment, wanting to see his son just once more. It was very amusing, really.

Ruby, Peter, Granny and a couple of Emma's friends and family members had been visiting us throughout the days to congratulate us and I knew those visits were exhausting Emma.

I was lying next to Emma in our bed. She was holding Henry and cradling his head, her eyes glued to his sleeping body. "Don't you miss having a family to share this all with?" Emma asked, once I heard the front door close. Her parents had just left the apartment.

"I've got you and Henry now," I said, "and I've got Killian, Peter and Ruby. That's my family. I broke with my parents and that was hard, but it was the right thing to do. I don't need them in my life."

Emma moved her lips to my cheek and planted a soft kiss on my skin. "He's cute, right?"

I glanced at the boy in her arms. His eyes were closed and his fingers were curled in small fists. He was more than cute. He was absolutely the most adorable, stunning, sweet boy I'd ever laid eyes on.

Part of me had worried, before he was born, that I wouldn't love him as much as Emma. After all, he was her biological child and she would get a natural mother's love. I figured for me he'd be a baby just like all other babies, but he definitely wasn't. He felt like my own child, already, and I knew I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I let him down.

"He's the cutest kid I've ever seen in my entire life," I said and brushed my fingertips against his small forehead. "I don't think I'm ever getting out of this bed."

Emma smiled at me, but her smile suddenly turned into a frown and she handed Henry carefully to me. "I think you're gonna have to."

It was hard to miss what she was aiming for. Henry had pooped his diaper and it was my turn to change it. Damn it. I loved Henry and because of that, I was willing to change him, but did I like that? No. Definitely not.

I groaned softly, but got out of bed, holding Henry in my arms. Just as I laid him down, ready to take him out of his dirty diaper, he started crying. It was heartbreaking to hear him like this and I tried to shush him, while stroking his forehead.

"Hey, it's okay. I'm going to change your diaper. You'll be clean and fresh in no time," I said. Due to lack of space, Henry's crib and all his equipment was placed and Emma and my bedroom. I felt Emma's eyes on me as I took care of Henry.

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