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Both Crystal and I took the week off of work to get Sydney more adjusted. Sydney mostly stayed in the guestroom on facetime with friends, and although I hated it I understood. This was hard for her, and I couldn't make it simple. When she was in the hospital it was easier, she was just stuck in her room and I could talk to her normally. Now she was living with us, and she wasn't used to seeing us everyday. Today we did get her stuff from her house, and there honestly wasn't a lot. It was a beat down apartment, obviously her dad neglected her and the apartment.

"Are there any stores you want to go to this weekend?" Crystal asked as we helped Sydney unpack all of her stuff. Sydney shrugged as she went through a box, putting some stuff in her drawers. "I heard American Eagle, Hollister, and Pacsun are good stores, we can check there," she suggested and Sydney nodded, keeping her back to us. We were getting more distant from her, and that was my fear.

"We can also go to IKEA and get some room stuff," I added. Sydney again didn't respond, just stared in her lap. "Syd, what's wrong?" I asked, but she shook her head. I moved closer to her and put my hand on her shoulder, making her turn around with tears in her eyes. She broke out into a sob, finally letting all of her emotions out. I pulled her into a tight hug, letting her cry into my chest as Crystal moved over and rubbed her back soothingly.

"I don't want my dad to be mad," her voice cracked.

"This is the right thing to do," I reassured her.

"Right now he's upset, but when he gets out he won't be. This is good for him, and I know he's happy that you're safe," Crystal added.

"He's mad though," she sobbed louder.

"Sometimes the right thing to do feels wrong, but think about all the help he's going to get. He won't rely on drinking or drugs, and he can get professional help instead of using you to be his therapist. You can also heal too, Luke said he'll keep doing therapy with you to help you," I added. Sydney didn't say anything, but she did calm down a lot more.

"I know you haven't been in a home where you got to be vulnerable and taken care of, but now you are. You have a place where people want to take care of you," Crystal told her. "It's a learning process for all of us. Michael and I don't know where to draw the line and when we're going too far, and you don't know what it's like to let people help you. We'll find a balance together, we promise,"

Sydney silently nodded, calming down quickly and wiping her eyes, "Why don't you get some rest? We can finish unpacking later," I suggested. She agreed, so Crystal and I gave her a kiss on top of her head, then left so she could rest.

"She's been holding that in for a long time," Crystal said once we were downstairs.

"I'm glad she finally got it off her chest," I told her as I pulled Crystal into a hug, kissing her forehead.  We were quiet for a moment until I broke the silence. "We need to schedule some doctors appointments for her, and therapy with Luke, and a dentist appointment with you and Sierra,"

"Have Calum do the doctor's appointment, so she can be more comfortable," she told me and I nodded.

"I want her to be happy here, and I want her to be able to heal,"

"Today was a big step, she will get better. Right now is the hard part, and it might not work out here. We have to think about her and put her needs first, whether it's staying here or not," she told me and I sighed. I wanted this to work out, I wanted her to feel comfortable here, I was praying this would work out.

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