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Twenty Three


"Here is your tea," mom handed me a cup.

"Thank you," I smiled, taking the warm mug from her after sitting up. "I picked Moana,"

"That's a good movie," dad sat his cup on the nightstand before getting into bed. "Before we start the movie, we have a question,"


"We were talking downstairs, and were thinking of fostering more kids and possibly adopting more kids," mom explained, which made me sit up straighter. "So you would be able to have siblings,"

"There would be more kids living here?"

"Yeah, maybe some kids in and out," dad said. "But we want to be able to help more kids, and we would love to have you apart of that,"

"I would be like the older sister," I lightly smiled.

"Yeah, the experienced one," mom chuckled. "Would you want to give it a shot?"

"Can we still have our time? Just us three?"

"Of course we can," dad nodded. "It might be a little bit harder with more kids, but you can always voice if you feel left out and want time with us,"

"I want to have more kids here," I confirmed.

"Are you sure?"


"We'll all have to work together, but we can figure it out," mom smiled, kissing my cheek. "Think we can do it?"

"Yeah, we can," I grinned. "When will a new kid come?"

"We want to get you settled first," dad explained. "Get you started in a new school, everything figure out, and then we can start having more kids,"

"I'm excited," I giggled. "I want to be an older sister,"

"There might be some older kids that come too," dad told me. "It will be a lot of fun, but can also be tiring. And if you ever want space, you can always get some,"

"Ok," I nodded.

"And we'll have tons of help,"

"I still want to be Luke and Sierra's favorite," I said, which made them laugh.

"Oh believe me, you will be," mom reassured me.

"Can we watch the movie now?"

"Of course we can," dad grabbed the remote and played the movie. As I sipped my tea, I laid against mom until I finished my tea, then scooted over to dad and let him hold me for awhile until I fell asleep for the evening.

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