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   "THE BOYS WON'T tell you this because they all like to protect each other." Frances ran her hand through her hair, her tongue wetting her bottom lip.

The girl sucked in a deep breath, wondering how to go about what she was going to tell the two detectives. She noticed the way that Daniel gripped his pen tightly, ready to jot down anything crucial that she said.

"But the person that I'm going to tell you about is a fucking scum bag." She hissed. "He treat everyone like shit. He made me question everything about whether the boys would treat me like an equal or try to use me and my body for their own pleasure or personal gain. He convinced me that I wouldn't be safe if I told them I was a girl and let me tell you, that fucks with your head. The manipulation," She scoffed. "it was unreal."

She let go of a chuckle.

"You don't really think life can get any worse on a deserted island." She paused. "But then you get stuck on said Island with fucking Seth Novak."

D A Y    T W E L V E

"Frances?" Seth placed his hand on the girls shoulder.

The blonde jumped at the sudden contact but turned to face Seth, she tried to plaster a smile on her face but something about Seth made her uneasy and she wasn't sure what it was. It was a major reason she had pulled away from him.

"You shouldn't be out here alone." Seth reminded the girl, he chuckled as he pulled her hood back over her head. "You shouldn't have your hood down either."

Frances hummed in response, pulling down on the ends of her jumper to cover her hands. She anxiously looked around, wondering if anyone saw her with her hood down and hair flying around freely in the wind.

"You don't want them to catch you, do you?" He whispered, sitting down next to the girl. He placed his hand on her thigh.

She winced, as his grip on her thigh was tight enough to leave bruises. But instead of saying anything, she just sucked in a deep breath and dealt with the pain. She had been through worse.

"I didn't think so." Seth chuckled, running his tongue over his teeth. "You shouldn't really go off alone either."

Tears stung her eyes as his grip tightened. She tried to focus on the waves crashing against the rocks and the way that the sunlight reflected on the water but her mind kept flickering back to his hand on her.

"I know, I just needed some space." The girl shrugged, letting out a deep breath once his grip realised from her thigh. "I just missed my brother."

"I'm sure he misses you too." Seth muttered. "Do you think he'll be looking for you?"

Frances turned to face the boy with furrowed brows. The way that Seth spoke was almost mockingly, almost as if he didn't think that anyone was going to be looking for them.

It caused a deep unsettling feeling in the pit of Frances stomach.

She hoped that Kirin would come round the corner and pull her away with him. But she knew that wasn't going to be happening any time soon, he was probably preoccupied with the rest of the group.

"Yeah, he's my brother. Of course he'll be looking for me." Frances stated as if it was obvious. "Won't your family be looking for you?"

Seth chuckled, shrugging his shoulders. Frances didn't miss the way his eyes flickered to her lips. She slowly shuffled away from the boy, not wanting him to make a move on her.

"You know, I've missed talking to you." He hummed. "We used to talk so much but now we've distanced."

He placed his hand back on her thigh. She tried not to think too much about it, but she could feel it travelling up. That's when she thought that enough was enough.

She quickly stood up and cleared her throat. She looked around the beach aimlessly, wondering if anyone was there to witness how weird Seth was acting.

"I think we should head back." Frances mumbled, she heard her own voice crack and crushed herself for being so weak.

"We'll Imma go find Raf, he walked off. But I'll see you back at camp?" Seth suggested.

Frances nodded, going to walk away from the boy but instead, his hand gripped her waist and he pulled her into his chest. His hands rested on her ass as he held her tightly so that she wasn't able to pull away.

She heard him take a deep inhale, which made her feel sick to her stomach. Something about him was beginning to creep her out and she didn't like it.

He released her from his grip, lightly patting her biceps before walking off in the opposite direction without saying another word.

Frances had froze. She was trying to comprehend everything that had just happened. He grabbed her ass. He smelt her. The way his hand touched her body made her uncomfortable.

She slowly lowered herself to sit on the floor, she curled her legs up to her chest and rested her head in her knees. She anxiously picked at the skin on her bottom lip, causing it to bleed. She didn't realise until it was too late.

The girl slowly stood up once again, heading towards the water. She wanted to scrub his touch from her. So, she fully submerged her body in the water and allowed the silence to consume her.

Frances had missed the silence, even if it was the peace and quiet that she got a home when studying or when doing a pop quiz in school. The silence was comforting to her.

It was the shouting that terrified the girl and made her on edge. It was the only thing on the island that truly terrified her.

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